See what other people are saying about iPhone Dev Secrets:
troy says:
I want to be real clear. Is the course $99 total and and nothing else. No monthly membership afterward. What is your upsell of the $47 (can you explain).
Yes, there is no monthly payments here. Regarding second question - You can also get additional source codes for extra. #148
Lorina says:
Also, does it take a lot of memory out of your computer while creating an app? I only have about 15 GB left on my mac!
That's more than enough! #147
Lorina says:
If I get stuck when I start creating my app will someone be able to help me? I have a feeling that when I start I'm going to have a lot of questions!
Yes, sure send us your questions by email! Moreover the course is really user friendly #146
frans says:
will you guarantee, if i bought your appdev, i get to be on top100 app devlpr? what's your measurement?
You must be kidding? Only scammers can guarantee you that. This sounds like scam guarantees "once you buy the course you will make $1 million overnight". You can become successful with Apps if you apply your knowledge and take action. No book or the course can make you successful automatically with no work on your part. #145
Charlie says:
What if my idea, isn't worth selling, don't you think it would be a waste of time and money. you know its a big step purchasing something your not sure of working ... especially when your've purchased other packages, that have never worked before.
First of all we have $1 trial and money back guarantee so there so no "big step" involved here :) You don't really risk anything. If your idea is not worth selling - it won't sell. You need to come up with the idea that works. IF you have no good ideas simply copy what is working - successful apps and games from other people and make similar one! Hope this helps. Model the best. #144
Lorina says:
Do I have to purchase the apple dev program in order to use this program or can i purchase apple's program after I'm done with your program?
You can join Apple Dev program any time you feel you are ready creating your App or Game #143
When do we start
The program already started. You can get instant access to the member area after purchase #142
Rod says:
really interested, ready to order now
You are welcome Rod #141
penny says:
Hi do you need an apple computer for this or is a computer with windows suitable
Regarding the MAC
This is also not a requirement. Anyways if you are serious on making money with Aps it is easier to get a MAC. They are not expensive at all. You don't need powerful machine. #140
Savi says:
Do I need to have ipad to create the ipad's app and games ?
Well, this is iPhone dev course so having an iPhone could be a good idea :) However it is
not a requirement because you can use a virtual iPhone (emulator) instead. This is explained in the course!
iPhone simulator has exactly the same features as a real iPhone #139
martin says:
am very interested but my country "KENYA" is not recognised by you.
I am sorry, please contact support for alternative payment solutions #138
Hans says:
Hi. From the comment here, I saw many peoples is asking for iphone development on window pc and you mention to them that in your course lesson 15, week 2, they will find the answer there.
So I like to know whether it is a step by step video tutorial guide on how to create a iphone/ipad game and app without any programming skill on window pc? I have looking for this kind a video tutorial guide for window pc for long time but not really found it. I know outsite there have some iphone game creation software that is create for window pc but i really cant find a step by step video tutorial guide that is create for people that dont have the programming skill.
Hans, if you are serious on making money with Aps it is easier to get a MAC. They are not expensive at all and they are much easier to use for APP and Game development.
I don’t expect you to know anything about programming. You don’t have to have any technical knowledge. If you can operate your iPhone and basic computer software – that’s all we need to start. We'll start from scratch and move on to the advanced stuff later in the course! #137
Mohammed Bidiwala says:
Hello Mike,
I dont have macbook i have windows laptop can i still make the apps??
We have a special lesson "Developing iPhone projects on
Windows" (lesson 15, week2) #136
Dennis Smith says:
I have a minus bal. in my bank account. My bank charges me an ODP of minus $25 and the total would be minus $1 plus minus $25 for for my course.
I am not sure what that means. I am sorry, we can't comment any bank fees you may have. #135
Dennis KIT says:
Please inform me more detail on the course and the affiliated program.
Please contact us by support email #134
pedro says:
i have a question when you pay the 99 dollar fee do i have to pay for cocos2d software or anything else. please tell me