How YOU Can Create an iPhone or iPad App or Game in 4 weeks And Hit Pay Dirt With It In The App Store With No Programming Skills.


Let me ask you this…

Have you ever dreamed of creating your own great game or application for iPhone or iPad with no programming skills in just 4 weeks and hit pay dirt with it in the App Store?

But first let me put the money where my mouth is. Let me login to my apple developer account in real time and show the latest sales.

Check out the live proof video where I will login to my developer account in real time and show how I made
$ 63,896.21 USD last month selling my iPhone Apps & Games!

I Guarantee That The Video Below Will Change Everything You Have Heard, Seen Or Tried In iPhone Dev Business...

I want to secure a copy of iPhoneDevSecrets course right now

Regular price: $599. $399 Just $99 total fee (NOT a monthly membership)
Start $1 Trial for 30 days Now. You can cancel any time!



$ 63,896.21 USD last month ?

Looks impressive? I bet it does!

But now, let me tell you the ugly truth.

It looks like I am raking in money now, but the truth is that it was not always like that! Just 6 months ago I was completely struggling. I had no programming skills, no team and no money. The only thing I had was a great desire to create the game of my dreams.

Since childhood, I always had a dream to make it big. I was thinking my game over and over again and again during the sleepless nights, imagining the characters and heroes, levels, gameplay tricks… etc.

Does that sound familiar to you?

To be honest, I am a big fan of the iPhone, so I did not even consider the idea of creating games for anything else but the iPhone or iPad.

But I was missing the main thing – I had no team and no programming skills at all. Even worse – I did not even have a technical education!

Over and over again I have been reading the blogs and reports about the Gold Rush in the Apps Store where small guys like you and me achieved immense success by creating simple but great applications or games!

Did you know that guys from the Top Applications part of the App Store are selling over 35,000 copies a day!

35 thousand!!

If you sell your app for $0.99 and get $0.70 from it after all apple commission cuts you are left with pure profit of $24,500 USD per DAY! Well, you can’t live with that but that is a good start, isn’t it :-)

This thought would not let me sleep well. Of course I did not live in the illusion that I would get on top with my first app but you know me already – I am a kind of guy who always wants to reach the stars!

So my target was to get into the Top100 Apps at least.

Here is what I did. I decided to take it really seriously. First, I bought all the books available in my local Barnes&Noble store and on Amazon as well. Everything from Iphone Development for dummies to the advanced experts-stuff.

Oh boy, that was a real head ache to read all that stuff. It took me about 3 months alone to read all those books.

And you know what?

After I tried to implement the knowledge I was totally disappointed – most of the printed books turned out to be completely outdated. You know it is a long process after you write a book, it goes to the publisher, stays in editing for weeks, then the printing office keeps delaying it again and again. Then you need to distribute it throughout the country to local shops etc.. And the things change so fast. Once iPod was released, next year iPhone, then iPhone3GS, then iPad, then iPhone4…the list goes on and on. Things change so fast and these printed books can’t even catch up. Most samples were outdated and never worked for me. What a bummer.

So finally after reading all this crap my head was ready to explode and I decided to take action. My first game was supposed to be the simple “Hidden object” game –you know where you tap the screen to find the hidden objects. I found out that these kind of games are very popular among people and I figured out it is pretty easy to make it – you simply need several images properly cut into layers and a little bit of coding.

Getting a developer account with Apple was pretty easy, so I went ahead and opened it and started the development.

Since I had no one to help and guide me – I guess I spent 3 times longer than average creating it than I actually needed to. In about 2 months of sleepless nights my game was finally ready. The approval process from apple took about a week. This week of waiting was the most frustrating time for me, it felt like time itself stopped… I got so nervous my hands even shook. What if they disapproved of it? I have read tons of horror stories about developers failing because Apple did not accept their game or delayed approval for months. I could not even sleep. I was checking my email and Dev account every minute to see the desired “your App was approved” message from apple. I was so noxious I even sent 3 followup emails asking apple why it takes so long. Don’t do that guys, I heard you only make the reviewers angry if you display impatience!

Finally I got approved and the sales started!! I went to bed dreaming about loads of cash rushing into my pockets.

And can you imagine what happened?

I failed miserably!

The next day, when I checked my sales, I saw the devastating numbers – 16 copies sold. Total net profit: $9 ... Well, obviously not the kind of numbers I was expecting…

Next day – 11 copies, then 8 copies, then about 2-3 copies per day during the next week. After 2 weeks my total net profit was around 50 bucks.. Sounds like now I have enough money to invite my girlfriend to McDonalds, right... what an epic failure.

And here is why.

Creating a great app or game is only part of the story. The most important part is how to sell it successfully and get on top of apps store sales. That’s what most developers are missing, failing one after another in their efforts to live their dream. They put all their efforts into the development and miss the most important part – successful marketing! Even the best app can remain totally unknown if you fail to market it properly.

Once I realized this, I decided not to give up. So I spent the next 6 months making the comprehensive market research. I contacted 135 top apple apps and games developers asking for help and advice. As you may expect, 90% of them simply ignored me. But you know I am not kind of guy who gives up easily.

Those 10% who replied gave me knowledge you’d never find in books or on the internet.

I could personally meet some of them and receive the most valuable insider information on how this market works. Oh you can’t imagine how it turned my worldview upside down. Nearly everything I learned before…

…was wrong.

That’s how top developers keep the information from small guys like you and me so they can rake in money, while we can’t even sell 10 copies! Did you know there is a list of elite developers who get fast approvals, premium placing in “What we are playing” and other top ratings & benefits?

All this information is well kept secret from us…

… so no surprise thousands and thousands of new developers who enter the market fail one after another. While you get confused reading and learning hundreds of ways of advertising your app – these guys use only a couple of ways that really work and don’t even waste their time on others…

Where to advertise the app? How to get traffic to the page? Should I order paid reviews or not? Should I create blogs? Do I need to make support forums for my game? Should I make my app free and earn money only by selling Ads inside, or is it better to get rid of ads and sell the app itself? All these questions could leave the newbie developer totally confused and as a result – on the road to total failure in achieving success in the apple store.
Let me tell you this.

Like Tony Robbins once said “Become the best by modeling the best”. Find out what the best developers do and mimic their techniques, use their secrets and tricks and you will become successful. Don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Use what is already working! Don’t spread out efforts on useless stuff that takes up your time but never brings results.

And you know it already – you’ve seen the proof before. Once I started implementing these ideas my sales started to go up and up. Literally, through the roof. Now my girlfriend and I are even thinking on opening our own McDonalds on the franchise next year on a $506,000 investment and 45k/year franchise fee so we can secure my profits in some real offline business. Well.. Ok ..maybe mcdonalds sounds too crazy, but if not McDonalds, I can predict we’ll buy some luxury apartment on the California coast for sure.

But after all that, I still realize that I owe my success to the few generous people among the top developers who decided not to ignore me and help me out by sharing their valuable knowledge with me. Without it, nothing could be possible.

That’s why I decided to gather all my knowledge and resources and put up a comprehensive course on iPhone and iPad development secrets.

My main goal was to make a full multimedia course that I can easily update on a monthly basis instead of writing the boring printed book that will become outdated even before it comes on the store shelf.

Secondly I wanted to make my course really newbie friendly. The arrogant expert authors are so proud of themselves that they don’t even bother to explain the details for people who are just starting out and don’t have any programming knowledge at all. They all assume you are at least expert in C++ before you start learning XCode and other iphone development stuff.

I decided to change this approach completely. You know I had no programming skills at all when I started out so I don’t expect you to know anything about programming. You don’t have to have any technical knowledge. If you can operate your iPhone and basic computer software – that’s all we need to start.

What does that mean to you? Well it means that you won’t have to spend 12 months and tens of thousands of dollars figuring this out like I did. More importantly, it means…

… you can start creating your own app or game today and making money with it tomorrow.

Here is what my course is all about.



During the 4 weeks, I am going to take you by the hand and follow through the whole process of creating your first app or game. I promise – we’ll do it the easy and fun way. No boring theories, no hard core programming, no useless stuff. Only practical information and step by step instructions!

Here is what we are going to cover in the first week.

Like I mentioned before, I don’t expect you to be an expert right of the bat, so first of all we are going to cover the great variety of basic information on how to start and apply yourself in different areas of game and application development: from creating your first “Hello World” application, to developing your first game with Cocos 2d toolkit. Did you know that Cocos 2d is considered one of the easiest ways of creating good Apps and will be the most used toolkit next year?

You will also discover how to create your first web application using iWebKit and animated application using Adobe Flash CS5. We’ll also discuss how to debug your application and get rid of the bugs so you have all the knowledge necessary to dive into more in-depth information over the following weeks. And like I said – it’ll be painless – we’ll do it the easy and fun way.

In Weeks 2&3 you will discover different iPhone development tools starting from simple Xcode to more advanced stuff like Cocos 2d & iWebKit secrets & tricks. Let me warn you – even if this may sound complicated – I put my information, tutorials and samples in such an easily understood manner that you can feel yourself becoming an expert even if you are a total newbie!

We are also going to learn the 2d and 3d editing software for game and app development and some sort of “cheat”-kinds of software & tricks - for those of you who want to use advanced stuff without wasting months on learning it. That’s why I call it “The lazy person’s guide to success" – I just give what you really need and don’t waste your time describing stuff you will never use!

As a result of week 3 you will have your first game or application ready to go!

In the final week we are going to cover the most important part of the story – how to market your game and finally make money by selling it in the App Store. Time to get the money rolling :-) Let’s be honest with each other – after all, you want to make good bucks with it, don’t you? I have prepared a lot of good, fresh, updated stuff on how to market your game, and where to get the dirt cheap targeted traffic!

We’ll also cover the most recent trends in game development – what genres are popular now and in the next year, what are the best converting ways to promote the game today and next year.



Let me show you the member area and what’s inside for you:


Regular price: $599. $399 Just $99 total fee (NOT a monthly membership)
Start $1 Trial for 30 days Now. You can cancel any time!


So what would you expect to pay for the product that finally shows you how to create your own app or game and start making money with it in an easy and fun way?

Before you answer, hold on, because there’s more.

Remember I mentioned that I got in contact with some of the best iPhone developers out there and about the incredible knowledge I learned from them? Here is what I decided to do – I created a special bonus report with the interviews & secrets right from these great people, and I am going to give it to you as a gift if you join my group!

So what do you think would be a fair price for the first real time iphone and ipad development multimedia course that REALLY WORKS and makes you achieve the results?

Given the incredible profitability of the app development that I showed to you, and all the great bonuses I’m going to offer you, $699 would be fair, wouldn’t it?

However, I won’t ask you to give me $699, or even $399, for that matter.

Think about it. I am basically giving you a year’s worth of high-end iPhone strategies that could make you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

By ordering today through this page, you are going to get instant access to the whole iphone and ipad development course, everything included in this deal as well as the additional bonuses, such as free video tutorials, reports and interviews with the best developers, and dedicated personal support for just $99 dollars, and that’s 100% guaranteed.

Regular price: $599. $399 Just $99 total fee (NOT a monthly membership)
Start $1 Trial for 30 days Now. You can cancel any time!



Let me explain. With this training, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, and I want to make this clear. You are totally covered by my 60-day satisfaction, no questions asked, guarantee, so if you don’t love my course, I’ll insist you take your money back. I don’t see that being an issue. But I believe the last thing you want to do is to give this back when you start creating your app or game, but I do want you to know, we’ve got you covered, and we’ve got your back if you’re worried about this.
So here’s what I want you to do now. To get instant access to the iPhoneDevSecrets course, click on the big orange Add to Cart button below right now, and let’s get started.

Regular price: $599. $399 Just $99 total fee (NOT a monthly membership)
Start $1 Trial for 30 days Now. You can cancel any time!


Let me give you some interesting statistics real quick. There are:

Four Billion Apps Downloaded From Apple's Appstore currentlyOver 250 million i-gadgets sold ( I mean iphones, ipods and ipads in total)For every 1 paid app there are 12 free downloaded apps which, btw, you can use as well for generating a revenue with list building and showing ads
There are over 250,000 approved apps in the apple storeTop apps/games are averaging $10,000 per DAY from downloads


That’s crazy if you think about.

Now think about if you could be one of them and making huge money off of it. Well I’ve already been doing it for the last 6 months as you know, and I am sure you don’t want to miss the boat here. And I really want you to realize how many opportunities are out there!

So get ready! Soon you are going to be among those people who really get into mobile game development. This is like if I told you 12 years ago that you can use Google adwords to bring traffic to your site. People literally became millionaires overnight by doing the right thing at the right time. And it’s the same thing with mobile games and apps now. You really don’t want to miss the gold rush of apps and game sales! So get ready for the ride of your life! And I really hope my video presentation helped you get a prospective in your head of how big mobile development is for you, and how much money you potentially can make by selling your game or app.

The most important part is your desire to create a game or app of your dream and make huge amounts of money by selling it! Moreover, besides money, you gain respect and recognition among the developer society. Who knows, maybe you will become the next Gameloft.

So click the magic orange “add to cart” button below, and get instant access to your personal member area with all the training, videos & bonuses so you can start creating your own app or game literally today!!

Regular price: $599. $399 Just $99 total fee (NOT a monthly membership)
Start $1 Trial for 30 days Now. You can cancel any time!



Look, there is so much money in having your own application and the reason people stay clear of it is usually because they think it’s WAY too hard to start.

Let me tell you something. There’s so many ways to start up your own app without any knowledge of anything app related! All you need is the idea! That’s the key.

Have you heard of iFart? Well the person who created it did not know anything about programming or App development at all. They just had the funny idea and took action to make it real. And now he is averaging about $10,000 per day from this stupidly simple application!! Just think about it! How’s that possible? That is huge!
You see, the great thing about it is that once your app is in the app store, it is exposed to millions and millions of iphone users, and using the few easy tricks that I will show you, you can drive tons of dirt cheap traffic to it! And it’s like a snowball, it keeps rolling and increasing in size each day!

Let me ask you this.

Why is it so great to have your own app or game? There are two different ways to go when having your own App. You can either go the “pay” route when someone has to pay from 99 cents to $10 to buy your app. The other way to go is the “free” route. Most people don’t even think of making their app free but there is actually less competition and therefore you can make a ton of money.


Let me show you something real quick. Stats have shown that if you have a free app that gets into the Top 100 downloaded apps list in the Apple store, the owner makes between $400 to $5000 per day. Yes, you heard right.

Per day!!

That’s a lot of money if you think about it. It obviously depends, of course, where you are in the list. That means at the least you’d be making $12,000 per month. Not too shabby for a free application ;)

Now on the other hand, paid apps are a little bit harder, but you can make a ton of money as well with them. Even more than with free apps, in fact!

Now the question is – how the heck can a free app make a ton of money?? Most people actually miss out on this because they don’t understand how free apps can generate huge amounts of money. Get ready to be amazed.

Have you heard of mobile advertising platforms like Admob, iAd, inMobi, Adfonic and others? Actually it is a similar idea to Pay per click ads from Google Adwords. Advertisers are paying somewhere from 5 cents to $7 or even $9 dollars per click to get their ads displayed. And where do you think all these millions of ads are showing up? That’s right, in your free apps!! You get paid for advertising space in your App!

It’s just like having a popular website- people would want to advertise on your website as well!

If you get in the Top 100 list in the App store, you’ll average $400-$5000 just from having people advertising on your App! You don’t even do anything but create it! It’s so easy, like placing a banner on a site!

And I will show you exactly how to do it!

To get started right now, have your credit card ready and hit the big orange button saying “add to cart”.

Regular price: $599. $399 Just $99 total fee (NOT a monthly membership)
Start $1 Trial for 30 days Now. You can cancel any time!



You can access the full training instantly after the payment. No shipping delays, no hassles. A full multimedia course with tons of step-by-step tutorials and full monthly updates for a lifetime is ready for you. And remember you are fully covered by my 60 day no questions guarantee. It can’t be better than this. What printed book author will offer you that?
Let me ask you this..

As you can see, developing your own app is a real way to make huge money. But what is the reason most people will never get into the App business?

The reason is most people will never realize how easy it is to make your own app. They believe in a myth that it is just WAY too difficult to start and you need too much money and top level programming skills for that.

Well I am here to finally get that out of your head!

Let me tell you this – developing your own app truly could not be any simpler than it is now!

All you have to do is to think of the idea and just start following my step by step tutorials! Easy as that!

There is also a myth that you must have a super powerful MAC computer to develop games. What if you have no Mac and use a Windows-based PC? No problem at all! There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on the newest Mac computer. You can start your development on the Windows-based PC with the several easy tricks that I am going to show in the course. We’ll install a special easy Mac emulator which provides the fully functional development environment on your Windows based PC!

Now, it’s your turn. Hit the magic “add to cart” button below; this is your last chance, okay? I am going to shut my offer down next Friday because I can support only 300 members in my group and I don’t want my secrets to spread out on the internet.

So hit the magic “add to cart” button now and lets get started creating your first app or game. I can’t wait to see you in the training group, I can’t wait to hear your success stories, I can’t wait to hear how you created the game of your dream and made a ton of money with it, like other guys from my group are already doing – you’ve seen the proof. So go ahead, hit the magic “add to cart” button below and it will get you instant access to the full course right now!

Regular price: $599. $399 Just $99 total fee (NOT a monthly membership)
Start $1 Trial for 30 days Now. You can cancel any time!




iPhone Game & App developer

P.S. Remember – all the risk is on me, and if for any reason you are not getting the results you are striving to achieve – just get in touch with me by phone or email and I will refund everything, no questions asked.”

P.S.S. Now it’s your turn to develop your great game or app and get it on top of the app store. Hit the orange button below the video, and get started today. I can’t wait to see you in the training center, and I can’t wait to hear your success stories – so go ahead, click the button below, and I will give you instant access to the most powerful iphone and ipad development course right now. Thank you again for your time, and I look forward to seeing you on the other side!



See what other people are saying about iPhone Dev Secrets:

Jess K. says:
Great course mike. Really easy to use. I was afraid it would be too hard for me.
Making a free app is a great strategy to make money on by applying the ads. I made $714 last week from Admob. #112
allan says:
Can i know if the videos are downloadable?
Or i can only watch it online?
Cause i would like to download it to my computer and watch it during my vacation which i will not have internet access.


Videos are not downloadable for security reasons, you can watch them in your member area. However you can download PDF versions, no problem. #111
Anonymous says:
Will this course help you to decide whether to make a simple app or a more complex app?

Yes. It's not about simplicity. It is about making the app that is needed on the market. The app, that will be useful for the people. It can be super easy or super complex, does not matter. #110
Seto says:
Hi, I dont have any programming background. but so interested in making iphone apps. Does your course cover people like me?

Yes, we start from basics so you won't have any problems. #109
elevenyearold says:
can kids learn this stuff?

Yes if they know basic computer stuff. #108
Allan says:
What i mean is about all the grahpics etcs.
All the design part? which like how cartoon are drawn etc.
If i were to buy and want to do up a game with character.
How to draw or etc. Is it part of the details.

The course is about creating Apps and Games, not about how to draw. #107
Sam says:
I made $63,231.32 last month selling my own iPhone Apps. I have a source that I send ideas to, and they write the app. Curious? #106
Elvis says:
I live at Asia, can I still able to earn from this program?

Yes, it is international. #105
Elvis says:
Can this programs run on Windows or must use MAC?

Regarding the MAC

This is also not a requirement. We have a special lesson "Developing iPhone projects on Windows" (lesson 15, week2) which will explain how you can do it on Windows.

Anyways if you are serious on making money with Aps it is easier to get a MAC. They are not expensive at all. You don't need powerful machine. Even MacMini is good enough! #104
MIke says:
Hey Mike,im about to purchase your system,im trying to make a tower defense game,will your system help?

Yes, the course will definitely hep you create a game. #103
Jackson says:
My friend bought the course and told me to get it because he's already started creating his first app and also told me about the young guy who made all the money from the bubble game but it's free and neither of us can see how it makes him any money

You can make a lot of money with a free App. (even more than with paid App). You can put the Ads in the free app and get paid every time people click on the ads! This can bring thousands of dollars easily! #102
Quincy saunders-scholes says:
how many hours a day do u have to use the program to finish it in a month

This is 4 week program. The number of hours depends on you. #101
Mervin says:
Do this course tackle c programming basics to tech'l?

Yes, the course includes the basics of App programming as well. #100
Francisco Lerma Jr. says:
Can I create Apps & games in the spanish language?

Yes, there are local App Stores in major countries where you can sell your app. #99
Eustace says:
Question? I already have an app. I am like many other with struggling with the marketing. I have around $500 available for marketing at this time. I want to get my app on top of the appstore. Can this coarse COMPLETELY help me?

Yes, the course will definetly help you. We believe great marketing is a ways to success. That's why whole week4 is about marketing of apps and games. #98
Lawrence says:
Slight question, I don't own an iphone, but I do have an itouch 4th gen, is that okay?

Yes, this is okay! #97
George jr. says:
Awesome course mike. It's been really helpful to me. I just finished creating my first App and going to submit to the App store. by far better than other books about Development. Was very easy for me to start, i had not skills before too! #96
Jose Silva says:
Hi Mike. This course is also for guys who wants to develop anoter kind of iPad applications, or just games?.


The course is not only about games. It is for all kinds of Apps for iPhone & iPad #95
Rob says:
I know that you say we can get the software, etc. to build these apps and it's explained within the course, but how much is this going to cost me over my $99 investment in the course? I don't have a ton available for software. If it's a hundred or two I might be able to do this, but if it is several hundred this is probably out of my reach.

Most of the software you need is either free or is included in App Developer program which is only $99 per year. I think it is affordable if you are serious on making money with Apps. #94
NNA says:
Can i use a mac mini with an intel processor and the latest snow leopard to create an app?

Yes, you can use Mac Mini! #93
jim says:
Hi I read Matt Campbels how to make an iphone app which is advertised in a similar way, but the fact is when it got down to the coding there are no secret easy ways out. you still need to learn code and altough I have some great ideas and am able to design every thing just glaze over when it comes to coding where one space or misplaced bracket bring the whole program down.

do you think you can help even me or are their some people that just can't do it?

Yes, our course will definitely help.

You know I had no programming skills at all when I started out so I don’t expect you to know anything about programming. You don’t have to have any technical knowledge. If you can operate your iPhone and basic computer software – that’s all we need to start. #92
willie says:
I really want to buy this but I just have 1 question, will I ve able to use the free trial developer program from apple instead of buying it from them....I know that I can't submit my app unless I purchase it from them but I want to know if I buy this from you will I be able to use apple free trial or will I have to buy it to go along with your program? please respond

You can use trial but if you are serious on making money with Aps with Apple the developer program is a good idea to have. It is only $99 per year and you get all the tools for free (like XCode). Worth investing. #91
Jackson says:
I only have Adobe Flash CS4 - is that suitable or will I need to upgrade to CS5?

Adobe Flash CS4 is also good enough but it is always better to use latest version to have all features #90
Oriol says:
After your course, will I be able to create an iphone app that sells something and gets the money from a card module payment such as the usual paypal interface in an ecommerce website?

Thanks in advance

We dont have a specific Paypal interface lesson but the knowledge you get in the course will definitely help you build the App and add the appropriate module for the payments. #89
Jackson says:
I've recently spent a few thousand dollars getting an app created that only sold 5 copies so it has been a real waste . I started learning through the Stanford University course but it's quite a lot of stuff to learn which makes me skeptical that I could learn so fast with your course but I am VERY interested

Yes, the key to success is marketing. We have a special section of the course devoted to App marketing which may really help you! #88
JWer says:
I would like to know, before obtaining the program, if there are other programs required to be able to learn and use your app builder program. I don't like late surprises, so I would appreciate an answer that will allow me to determine what I have to spend to have a viable app building system.
Thank you

There are several things you need to have if you are serious on making money with your future app business. For example App developer program costs $100/year (you pay Apple to be able to submit your apps to the App store). XCode is free. #87
Chad Miles says:
Thanks guys for the great course!! it's easy to follow and I love the member area layout. I plan to develop my game like team fortress soon! #86
Adam B. says:
just like other commentators here, I got the course today. I must say WOW, very impressed with the quality of member area and information provided. I am not totally newbie to this, I have read several books on iPhone programming so this is very helpful for me to improve my knowledge! #85
Nancy says:
Do I need to have an iPhone?

Well, this is iPhone dev course so having an iPhone could be a good idea :) However it is not a requirement because you can use a virtual iPhone (emulator) instead. This is explained in the course! #84
JWer says:
Are there any required programs that I must have or buy to be able to learn and use your course to build apps? and if so, don you have a recommendation as to where to obtain the best values?

Don't worry, everything is explained in detail in the course. (the programs and the links) #83
Rhain says:
So what if you are not very there a place where you can go to see what apps people want developed?

Yes, you can become a freelance programmer and accept orders to develop games/apps for people instead of trying to invent them yourself.

One more idea for you - you can find popular FLASH games and contact the owners with the offer to port them to iPhone. If everyone loves the flash game it must sell really well on iPhone as well. Sometimes my company is doing that. This is easy because you dont need to invent the wheel and you have all the resources ready! #82
Richard says:
I am buying this (as soon as I have finished this comment!) however, my biggest concern having already purchased books (including using cocos2d) and learnt the 'basics', is I know from the little experience I have, that my main 4-5 App ideas are extremely complicated to bring to life.

I am talking full animation on most and 3d capability (not Call Of Duty complicated). Think TowerMadness complicated (which is utterly brilliant on the iPad btw! - and no I am not associated with them in any way).

So my question is: What type of Apps/Games will I be able to produce?

I am not wanting to make yet another 'Doodle Jump' clone or an 'iFart' app.


TowerMadness is one of my favorite games too. I believe it sells really well like all "tower defense" games.

The course is not only for total beginners, we have advances stuff as well on both programming and marketing. (plus source codes in addition!) #81
Joe says:
Will your course teach me how to develop a more functional app? I've been tinkering with an iphone app idea for months because it's not a simple "game app." It has to do with the Iphone Alarm functionality and leaving Voicemail Messages. I also might need an app website for users (mostly non iphone/ipad users) to register as pat of the process. Will your course help me you think? Thanks!

If you don't have previous programming experience it will help you for sure to develop this app and explain how to market it in future. #80
Patt o says:
is this course true for iPad as well

Yes, the course is for both iPad and iPhone development. #79
ipad? says:
how about ipad?? is this course true for iPad as well #78
trey1978 says:
I gotta tell you...this course is much better than any of the 6 books I have bought from Amazon. nice member area as well. #77
Ryan says:
I really enjoy learning from this course! thanks for the opportunity to be a betatester of the course!!

Thank you for your kind words. It was a pleasure talking to you last week, Ryan #76
arthur says:
the course is solid. it comes the closest to being the ideal for helping beginners to come to grips with what is really a very difficult concept - designing an iPhone App. I have bought a number of books on the subject, but this beats most of them by far #75
Ron says:
thanks mike. very easy to follow course that can help anyone, programmer or non-programmer alike to start working with the iPhone aps. #74
greg sw. says:
Can I Really Be An IPad App Developer? I dont know anything

As I said previously, it doesn't matter if you don't know anything about programming.

Sure, if you want to make money with iPad App's, knowing what an iPhone is and how it works, knowing how an iPad works, and having a basic knowledge of basic computer skills will be helpful.

Other than that, you just need the determination to create an income on the ground floor of the iPad App boom.

That is really ALL you need! #73
Ken W. says:
Sounds like a great strategy to make money on free aps by applying the ads. Will try. thanks for the idea! #72
Do you need a mac computer?

Yes, you need either mac computer or Windows computer with emulator (it is explained in the course) #71
TuTuTu says:
Is there any opportunity to get $1,000,000 in 1 Year?

App & Game business potential is really great if you have a good idea and turn it into great App. #70
hew says:
Do you have updates for the course in future?? Are they free?????

A full multimedia course with tons of step-by-step tutorials and full monthly updates for a lifetime is ready for you #69
Brian, Florida says:
MIKE!!! You've pointed the way to a revenue stream that I never even knew existed. Thanks for the package (and the coming profts too!) #68
Ron says:
OK Mike, you and I know iPhone apps are the single greatest opportunity for the regular person today. I've made big bucks consulting to clients on iPhone app design and marketability, and getting paid big bucks to do so.


Frankly I was hoping this stuff would not get out :) Oh well, my private iPhone cash cow had to end sooner or later, LOL. Your material is unquestionably the best in the business. #67
Rand says:
My first app is ready too! I got approved and the sales started! #66
janette says:
Getting a developer account with Apple was pretty easy, so I went ahead and opened it and started the development. 2 Weeks later my first app was in App Store! #65
sandra says:
Yes, Mike! I want to get started profiting with iPhone Apps right away!! How to join????

Please click on the Orange "ADD TO CART" button to start your trial! #64
angry says:
I bought a book for noobs in Barnes&Noble and it was a total crap! is this course better??

Most of the printed books turned out to be completely outdated. You know it is a long process after you write a book, it goes to the publisher, stays in editing for weeks, then the printing office keeps delaying it again and again. Then you need to distribute it throughout the country to local shops etc.. And the things change so fast. Once iPod was released, next year iPhone, then iPhone3GS, then iPad, then iPhone4…the list goes on and on. Things change so fast and these printed books can’t even catch up. Most samples were outdated and never worked for me.

My main goal was to make a full multimedia course that I can easily update on a monthly basis instead of writing the boring printed book that will become outdated even before it comes on the store shelf. #63
developer says:
My target was to get into the Top300 Apps at least. Now I am on 213!! not bad! #62
li yang says:
Does this course work in USA or for any country?? i am not from USA!!!

Yes, li yang. The course is in English and can be used anywhere. You can develop Apps for international App store! #61
Uliano Chakii says:
Did you know that guys from the Top Applications part of the App Store are selling over 35,000 copies a day! #60
Stark says:
I want to Make Money With iPhone Apps!!! Will it help me?

Yes, it is exactly the purpose of the course #59
Daniel says:
Frankly, I'm blown away that you are practically giving away this information. While it will take a good amount of work (as anything does that will make you money), your easy to follow course gives anyone the keys to serious online residual profits. Heck, I even saw a commercial today advertising the Iphone App Store. #58
hew lee says:
Do you have any BONUSES to the course???

Remember I mentioned that I got in contact with some of the best iPhone developers out there and about the incredible knowledge I learned from them? Here is what I decided to do – I created a special bonus report with the interviews & secrets right from these great people, and I am going to give it to you as a gift if you join my group! #57
gold rush says:
Over and over again I have been reading the blogs and reports about the Gold Rush in the Apps Store... i am desperate to join the gold rush too. glad i found this site #56
Franky says:
I have no team and no programming skills at all! is it for me?

You know I had no programming skills at all when I started out so I don’t expect you to know anything about programming. You don’t have to have any technical knowledge. If you can operate your iPhone and basic computer software – that’s all we need to start. #55
agreed says:
I am a big fan of the iPhone, so I did not even consider the idea of creating games for anything else but the iPhone or iPad. Mee too!! #54
apple fan says:
What really makes a top selling iPhone App?

Successful marketing! Even the best app can remain totally unknown if you fail to market it properly. #53
mastafa aman says:
Wow just come accross your course !! you the real gentlemen or will help the one with app creation!! Sorry for my englesh!! #52
Frederick Douza says:
I dont have a credit card, so can I wire you the amount of US$99.00, if so then please do let me know the wireing instructions.
I am based in Oman (Middle East)
Frederick D'souza

Please send us email to support! #51
Sandor says:
Will I get member area access after purchase instantly?

Yes, Sandor. You will be provided with the login and password and instant access to the whole member area! #50
Vince says:
$ 63,896.21 USD last month ? Looks impressive #49
Antony Kemble II says:
Thanks a lot! great course mike!

You are welcome Antony! Glad you liked it! #48
grand says:
"$ 63,896.21 USD last month selling my iPhone Apps & Games" sounds great. I love this kind of profits. will join tomorrow #47
dionysios dallas says:
I am beginner in the App development. I have already tried 6 books but the App dev course far the best. I purchased it on 23 Dec and there is a lot of good content inside! #46

Yes, we have personal email support! Feel free to contact us! #45
helen potts says:
I dont know any programming. Will it work for me? Do you teach the basics??

No problem. I don’t expect you to know anything about programming. You don’t have to have any technical knowledge. If you can operate your iPhone and basic computer software – that’s all we need to start. #44
Laszlo says:
To summarize my impression: AppDev course is insider secrets of marketing your iPhone Apps the right way. #43
Ann says:
I want to join already!! Please reserve a copy!! #42
Mustafi says:
neverending supply of great ideas!! #41
john says:
I agree that iphone is the best for 2011. My friends have already tapped into this app making resource and are quietly making a killing with it. #40
Proof? says:
is there any PROOF???? put the money where your mouth is!!

Check out the live proof video where I will login to my developer account in real time and show how I made
$ 63,896.21 USD last month selling my iPhone Apps & Games! #39
m. swanson, Sweden says:
Yeah, i always dreamed of creating your own great game or application for iPhone or iPad with no programming skills. Hope this course will help me. #38
appler says:
What is inside the course??

During the 4 weeks, I am going to take you by the hand and follow through the whole process of creating your first app or game. I promise – we’ll do it the easy and fun way. No boring theories, no hard core programming, no useless stuff. Only practical information and step by step instructions!

You can scroll up and watch the video "what is inside" the course! #37
matthew says:
The future is for iPhone!! People are realizing that by developing in their garage with a couple dollars, they could be the next Gameloft!!! #36
James says:
Even if you’re not a programming guru, you can still cobble something together and potentially have great success!! #35
L. light says:
MUST HAVE!!! #34
Mike says:
Week3 is the best. it tells you the two single must have ingredients... without these you'll go absolutely nowhere in this business... #33
ray, UK says:
Mike, do you have trial?

Yes, we have $1 trial. To get instant access to the iPhoneDevSecrets course, click on the big orange Add to Cart button below right now, and let’s get started. #32
Morrison says:
is it a SCAM?? Is there any money back guarantee? I want to know before I buy!!!

It is not a scam. With this training, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, and I want to make this clear. You are totally covered by my 60-day satisfaction, no questions asked, guarantee, so if you don’t love my course, I’ll insist you take your money back. I don’t see that being an issue. But I believe the last thing you want to do is to give this back when you start creating your app or game, but I do want you to know, we’ve got you covered, and we’ve got your back if you’re worried about this. #31
laura lorris says:
the course helps to easily make extra income on the side of your new iPhone business, absolutely hands free by adding systems like Admob to your app!! #30
Fill says:
What if I dont have any programming skills? Is it for me? I want to create an app!!

Yes, we'll teach you everything you need to know from scratch. from basic stuff to advanced tricks. #29
kitt2007 says:
Are there any guarantee? What if I dont like the course??

Let me explain. With this training, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, and I want to make this clear. You are totally covered by my 60-day satisfaction, no questions asked, guarantee, so if you don’t love my course, I’ll insist you take your money back. I don’t see that being an issue. But I believe the last thing you want to do is to give this back when you start creating your app or game, but I do want you to know, we’ve got you covered, and we’ve got your back if you’re worried about this. #28
mike zit 1997 says:
I have bought many app software & courses and have received so many disappointments, I can find hope from this course works. #27
Rosett, US says:
What is the number one component practically every successful App must have or its doomed to failure???

Successful marketing. Period. #26
j j says:
Where can I read the interviews with the developers? I love the idea!!!

The interviews come as a bonus to our course. You will find them in your member area! #25
Helen S. says:
Can't add to all the comments, and I've read them all. Sounds like this could be the real deal. #24
Please!! says:
Please reserve a copy for me! I dont have money now, but next week I will fill my card!! Please leave a copy!! Please please!!!

If the counter reaches zero the sales will be stopped and you will be able to put yourself on the waiting list. Please hurry up! #23
Kate says:
What is inside the course?? Looks good to me. Tell me more!

Please scroll up and watch the video "What is inside"! #22
Patt says:
I bought the course on december 9th and it have learned for two weeks now and released my app after that. Sold over 1000 copies alredy and $1213 so far!! Cool! #21
Grace says:
What is the top places for finding programmers who really know what they're doing??

Try or
However it is better to study the course and do it yourself so you dont have to spend thousands for hiring a programmer. #20
henry kent says:
Good job! one of the best courses. #19
Jeremy Wilson says:
This course has been very beneficial to me. This course helps you get tuned with the correct approach needed to create great apps and games. It gives all the neccessary skills & knowledge on not only how to develop but also how to sell the games and apps. I highly recommend this course to anybody who does not want to miss the boat with the booming mobile development. #18
joseph says:
Perfectly working for the moment. I am studing week 2 already! Soon will submit my first APP!!!! #17
Mark says:
is this for real?? Testing comments? Is it really so good?

Yes, it is for real. Comments are working fine as well. #16
Jason M. says:
WOW ! This System really ROCKS guys...I have bought it and tried creating the free app and see the profit results straight away.. I use Admob for ads!! #15
lui lang ming chui says:
I come from China, my English is not very good, very happy to be sold out of your system before I purchased, I am now in App developer account, I think your real profits from Apps is very beautiful, I hope my account is also to have such a perfect transaction, thank you to share with us such a good system, I wish you happy forever!! #14
Mikhail says:
Please inform me more about this course!! #12
Mats Elgans says:
I purchased it, and I am running it for a few days and learnt a lot. KInd of early to say something, but ; so far so great! #11
Gruber, Germany says:
What is the exact kind of Apps that make customers unncontrollably reach for their wallets time and time again??

Lol. Good question. Apps that are USEFUL is that kind of app. Make your small research and come up with the idea that will be needed on the marked. First of all, it must be useful to yourself! #10
matts says:
It look's really good but on the other hand that did all the other hundreds of courses's i bought also. Every time the same dissapointment. But maybe this is different i could not djudge it now. will try anyways #9
Luka says:
You made excellent job. I would like to add you to my website! #8
Hans says:
Hey mike! You know I had no programming skills but I have been dreaming about creating my game since childhood! Your course was an eye opener for me! i not only created my first game but sold over 2500 copies last month!! thanks a lot man! #7
chuck says:
iDevcourse is really good!!! Must secure your copy, it is couple left. I am learning week3 right now and everything going well. It does not look like other crappy course i bought... #6
adi says:
this system works and i'm already making money with my first app, thanks a lot! #5
Sandra says:
What is the 'never fail' strategy that ensures your apps don't fall at the first hurdle?

Successful Marketing. Week 4:

In the final week we are going to cover the most important part of the story – how to market your game and finally make money by selling it in the App Store. Time to get the money rolling :-) Let’s be honest with each other – after all, you want to make good bucks with it, don’t you? I have prepared a lot of good, fresh, updated stuff on how to market your game, and where to get the dirt cheap targeted traffic!

We’ll also cover the most recent trends in game development – what genres are popular now and in the next year, what are the best converting ways to promote the game today and next year. #4
jakob says:
Thanks Mike for the great course!! iDev secrets is a complete, step-by-step, easy to follow system that will show you exactly how you can cash in with your own iPhone Applications starting right away... #3
Charles Jones says:
Hi Mike, I want to say how much my App business has improved and I have only been studying your iPhoneDev course for a couple of weeks. Thanks a lot!! #2
Ronald says:
Wow... really cool system. Thanks! #1



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