Full HD 1080P,內建DVI-D/VGA,高動態對比 60000:1 顯示切換,電阻觸控式操作按鈕,全機鏡面烤漆設計
Envision液晶顯示器G系列的G2361w是23吋高畫質寬螢幕液晶顯示器,擁有1920x1080 Full HD 高解析度,60,000:1業界高動態對比,結合超廣170度的可視角度,以及5毫秒快速的訊號反應時間,可減少消費者玩遊戲或看電影時產生的殘影或動作模糊現象,全新16:9最佳視覺娛樂比例( 1920X1080 Full HD 1080P 高解析度 )+DVI-D數位訊號輸入,搭配ENVISION獨家的EDE2(ENVISION DISPLAY ENGINE)技術,畫質呈現60,000:1的高對比+電阻觸控式操作按鈕,獨特的技術重現最鮮艷的色彩, 最鮮明的對比, 最迅速的反應時間, 提供最優化的影像體驗。不論您工作、娛樂影像享受,都能夠欣賞最真實逼真的畫質,提供您輕鬆設定與便利的生活。館長特別推薦這款Envision G2361w液晶,不但超便宜,還提供主機三年,面板三年保固+三年免費到府收送保固,現在買回去~還有七天鑑賞期讓您感受不同效果!!要買要快喔!!
商品特色: ‧60000:1動態對比,層次最生動 ,讓您感受到畫質的栩栩如生。 ‧Full HD 1920x1080 高畫質解析度,新一代高畫質完整呈現。 ‧DVI-D數位訊號輸入,生動最感動,層次生動分明,讓您感受到畫質的栩栩如生。 ‧DCB活彩技術( Dynamic Color Boost),5種色彩增強模式,達到最佳圖像效果,色彩鮮活,逼真、自然。 ‧4:3與16:9縮放快捷鍵,通過點擊前框“+”鍵,輕鬆實現寬屏與4:3畫面的縮放。
Full HD 1080P,內建DVI-D/VGA,高動態對比 60000:1 顯示切換,電阻觸控式操作按鈕,全機鏡面烤漆設計
Envision液晶顯示器G系列的G2361w是23吋高畫質寬螢幕液晶顯示器,擁有1920x1080 Full HD 高解析度,60,000:1業界高動態對比,結合超廣170度的可視角度,以及5毫秒快速的訊號反應時間,可減少消費者玩遊戲或看電影時產生的殘影或動作模糊現象,全新16:9最佳視覺娛樂比例( 1920X1080 Full HD 1080P 高解析度 )+DVI-D數位訊號輸入,搭配ENVISION獨家的EDE2(ENVISION DISPLAY ENGINE)技術,畫質呈現60,000:1的高對比+電阻觸控式操作按鈕,獨特的技術重現最鮮艷的色彩, 最鮮明的對比, 最迅速的反應時間, 提供最優化的影像體驗。不論您工作、娛樂影像享受,都能夠欣賞最真實逼真的畫質,提供您輕鬆設定與便利的生活。館長特別推薦這款Envision G2361w液晶,不但超便宜,還提供主機三年,面板三年保固+三年免費到府收送保固,現在買回去~還有七天鑑賞期讓您感受不同效果!!要買要快喔!!
商品特色: ‧60000:1動態對比,層次最生動 ,讓您感受到畫質的栩栩如生。 ‧Full HD 1920x1080 高畫質解析度,新一代高畫質完整呈現。 ‧DVI-D數位訊號輸入,生動最感動,層次生動分明,讓您感受到畫質的栩栩如生。 ‧DCB活彩技術( Dynamic Color Boost),5種色彩增強模式,達到最佳圖像效果,色彩鮮活,逼真、自然。 ‧4:3與16:9縮放快捷鍵,通過點擊前框“+”鍵,輕鬆實現寬屏與4:3畫面的縮放。
指数オンライン取引手数料なしのオンライン取引!$200新規登録者限定ボーナス。eToroには他のトレーダー達とのオンラインチャットや、賞金が貰えるFX取引コンテストなど、コミュニティ機能も満載 無料のオンライン取引無料の$100,000練習用口座ライブチャートとツール! Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof? Click Here! I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. There is such a variety of forex systems and robots out there nowadays but the sad thing is that most of them don’t work or if they work, they only work for a very limited time so you will never be able to make really good profits. With the Forex Morning Trade System you don’t need to stay in front of the computer the whole day making the trades yourself. It’s sufficient to look 5 minutes a day and let it do it’s thing. I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. Best Regards, F. Stock Click Here!
指数オンライン取引手数料なしのオンライン取引!$200新規登録者限定ボーナス。eToroには他のトレーダー達とのオンラインチャットや、賞金が貰えるFX取引コンテストなど、コミュニティ機能も満載 無料のオンライン取引無料の$100,000練習用口座ライブチャートとツール! Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof? Click Here! I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. There is such a variety of forex systems and robots out there nowadays but the sad thing is that most of them don’t work or if they work, they only work for a very limited time so you will never be able to make really good profits. With the Forex Morning Trade System you don’t need to stay in front of the computer the whole day making the trades yourself. It’s sufficient to look 5 minutes a day and let it do it’s thing. I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. Best Regards, F. Stock Click Here!
指数オンライン取引手数料なしのオンライン取引!$200新規登録者限定ボーナス。eToroには他のトレーダー達とのオンラインチャットや、賞金が貰えるFX取引コンテストなど、コミュニティ機能も満載 無料のオンライン取引無料の$100,000練習用口座ライブチャートとツール! Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof? Click Here! I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. There is such a variety of forex systems and robots out there nowadays but the sad thing is that most of them don’t work or if they work, they only work for a very limited time so you will never be able to make really good profits. With the Forex Morning Trade System you don’t need to stay in front of the computer the whole day making the trades yourself. It’s sufficient to look 5 minutes a day and let it do it’s thing. I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. Best Regards, F. Stock Click Here!
指数オンライン取引手数料なしのオンライン取引!$200新規登録者限定ボーナス。eToroには他のトレーダー達とのオンラインチャットや、賞金が貰えるFX取引コンテストなど、コミュニティ機能も満載 無料のオンライン取引無料の$100,000練習用口座ライブチャートとツール! Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof? Click Here! I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. There is such a variety of forex systems and robots out there nowadays but the sad thing is that most of them don’t work or if they work, they only work for a very limited time so you will never be able to make really good profits. With the Forex Morning Trade System you don’t need to stay in front of the computer the whole day making the trades yourself. It’s sufficient to look 5 minutes a day and let it do it’s thing. I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. Best Regards, F. Stock Click Here!
指数オンライン取引手数料なしのオンライン取引!$200新規登録者限定ボーナス。eToroには他のトレーダー達とのオンラインチャットや、賞金が貰えるFX取引コンテストなど、コミュニティ機能も満載 無料のオンライン取引無料の$100,000練習用口座ライブチャートとツール! Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof? Click Here! I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. There is such a variety of forex systems and robots out there nowadays but the sad thing is that most of them don’t work or if they work, they only work for a very limited time so you will never be able to make really good profits. With the Forex Morning Trade System you don’t need to stay in front of the computer the whole day making the trades yourself. It’s sufficient to look 5 minutes a day and let it do it’s thing. I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. Best Regards, F. Stock Click Here!
指数オンライン取引手数料なしのオンライン取引!$200新規登録者限定ボーナス。eToroには他のトレーダー達とのオンラインチャットや、賞金が貰えるFX取引コンテストなど、コミュニティ機能も満載 無料のオンライン取引無料の$100,000練習用口座ライブチャートとツール! Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof? Click Here! I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. There is such a variety of forex systems and robots out there nowadays but the sad thing is that most of them don’t work or if they work, they only work for a very limited time so you will never be able to make really good profits. With the Forex Morning Trade System you don’t need to stay in front of the computer the whole day making the trades yourself. It’s sufficient to look 5 minutes a day and let it do it’s thing. I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. Best Regards, F. Stock Click Here!
指数オンライン取引手数料なしのオンライン取引!$200新規登録者限定ボーナス。eToroには他のトレーダー達とのオンラインチャットや、賞金が貰えるFX取引コンテストなど、コミュニティ機能も満載 無料のオンライン取引無料の$100,000練習用口座ライブチャートとツール! Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof? Click Here! I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. There is such a variety of forex systems and robots out there nowadays but the sad thing is that most of them don’t work or if they work, they only work for a very limited time so you will never be able to make really good profits. With the Forex Morning Trade System you don’t need to stay in front of the computer the whole day making the trades yourself. It’s sufficient to look 5 minutes a day and let it do it’s thing. I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. Best Regards, F. Stock Click Here!
指数オンライン取引手数料なしのオンライン取引!$200新規登録者限定ボーナス。eToroには他のトレーダー達とのオンラインチャットや、賞金が貰えるFX取引コンテストなど、コミュニティ機能も満載 無料のオンライン取引無料の$100,000練習用口座ライブチャートとツール! Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof? Click Here! I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. There is such a variety of forex systems and robots out there nowadays but the sad thing is that most of them don’t work or if they work, they only work for a very limited time so you will never be able to make really good profits. With the Forex Morning Trade System you don’t need to stay in front of the computer the whole day making the trades yourself. It’s sufficient to look 5 minutes a day and let it do it’s thing. I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. Best Regards, F. Stock Click Here!
指数オンライン取引手数料なしのオンライン取引!$200新規登録者限定ボーナス。eToroには他のトレーダー達とのオンラインチャットや、賞金が貰えるFX取引コンテストなど、コミュニティ機能も満載 無料のオンライン取引無料の$100,000練習用口座ライブチャートとツール! Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof? Click Here! I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. There is such a variety of forex systems and robots out there nowadays but the sad thing is that most of them don’t work or if they work, they only work for a very limited time so you will never be able to make really good profits. With the Forex Morning Trade System you don’t need to stay in front of the computer the whole day making the trades yourself. It’s sufficient to look 5 minutes a day and let it do it’s thing. I highly recommend this system! It’s super easy and it’s profitable. Best Regards, F. Stock Click Here!