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YouTube-Top Favourited Recommended for You

YouTube-Top Favourited Recommended for You - Future First Person Shooter

YouTube-Top Favourited Recommended for You - Fire Hands

YouTube-Top Favourited Recommended for You - Troll Massacre

YouTube-Top Favourited Recommended for You - Huge Guns (with Smosh!)

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
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52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
53 shoebuy com $254.51 
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54 verizon $254.27 
5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
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7 checks unlimited $515.73 
57 beyondblossoms $250.95 
7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
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77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
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79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
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84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
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87 adult friend finder $206.96 
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87 friend finder adult $206.96 
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90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
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48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
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2 wireless verizon $926.49 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
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7 checks unlimited $515.73 
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7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
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10 giant auto parts $429.81 
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10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
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71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
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72 blue host $217.81 
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72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
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76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
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84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
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87 adult finder friend $206.96 
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87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
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48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
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7 checks unlimited $515.73 
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7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
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10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
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69 viajar com $219.43 
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71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
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87 adult finder friend $206.96 
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87 adult friend finder $206.96 
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87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
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44 adult finder $272.04 
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48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
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2 wireless verizon $926.49 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
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7 checks unlimited $515.73 
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7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
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10 giant auto parts $429.81 
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10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
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69 viajar com $219.43 
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71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
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87 adult friend finder $206.96 
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87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
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48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
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100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
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52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
53 shoebuy com $254.51 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
56 classic closeouts $252.00 
7 checks unlimited $515.73 
57 beyondblossoms $250.95 
7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
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70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
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72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
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76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
36 annies costumes $299.99 
86 alpha omega publications $208.01 
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87 adult finder friend $206.96 
38 1 stop travel $285.91 
87 adult friend finder $206.96 
39 verizonwireless com $285.10 
87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
42 adultfreind finder $273.20 
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43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
44 adult finder $272.04 
94 extended hotels $204.14 
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95 extended stay hotels san antonio $204.13 
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48 binoculars com $262.08 
98 cheapcaribbean com $202.00 
48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
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52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
53 shoebuy com $254.51 
4 verizonwireless $828.26 
54 verizon $254.27 
5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
56 classic closeouts $252.00 
7 checks unlimited $515.73 
57 beyondblossoms $250.95 
7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
36 annies costumes $299.99 
86 alpha omega publications $208.01 
37 adult frinder $298.54 
87 adult finder friend $206.96 
38 1 stop travel $285.91 
87 adult friend finder $206.96 
39 verizonwireless com $285.10 
87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
42 adultfreind finder $273.20 
92 claridges hotel $205.70 
43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
44 adult finder $272.04 
94 extended hotels $204.14 
45 vanquish credit card $268.73 
95 extended stay hotels san antonio $204.13 
46 ross $268.28 
96 www la quinta $202.96 
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48 binoculars com $262.08 
98 cheapcaribbean com $202.00 
48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
2 verizon wireless $926.49 
52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
53 shoebuy com $254.51 
4 verizonwireless $828.26 
54 verizon $254.27 
5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
56 classic closeouts $252.00 
7 checks unlimited $515.73 
57 beyondblossoms $250.95 
7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
36 annies costumes $299.99 
86 alpha omega publications $208.01 
37 adult frinder $298.54 
87 adult finder friend $206.96 
38 1 stop travel $285.91 
87 adult friend finder $206.96 
39 verizonwireless com $285.10 
87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
42 adultfreind finder $273.20 
92 claridges hotel $205.70 
43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
44 adult finder $272.04 
94 extended hotels $204.14 
45 vanquish credit card $268.73 
95 extended stay hotels san antonio $204.13 
46 ross $268.28 
96 www la quinta $202.96 
47 ld products ink $265.66 
97 alibris used books $202.85 
48 binoculars com $262.08 
98 cheapcaribbean com $202.00 
48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
2 verizon wireless $926.49 
52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
53 shoebuy com $254.51 
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54 verizon $254.27 
5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
56 classic closeouts $252.00 
7 checks unlimited $515.73 
57 beyondblossoms $250.95 
7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
36 annies costumes $299.99 
86 alpha omega publications $208.01 
37 adult frinder $298.54 
87 adult finder friend $206.96 
38 1 stop travel $285.91 
87 adult friend finder $206.96 
39 verizonwireless com $285.10 
87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
42 adultfreind finder $273.20 
92 claridges hotel $205.70 
43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
44 adult finder $272.04 
94 extended hotels $204.14 
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95 extended stay hotels san antonio $204.13 
46 ross $268.28 
96 www la quinta $202.96 
47 ld products ink $265.66 
97 alibris used books $202.85 
48 binoculars com $262.08 
98 cheapcaribbean com $202.00 
48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
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52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
53 shoebuy com $254.51 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
56 classic closeouts $252.00 
7 checks unlimited $515.73 
57 beyondblossoms $250.95 
7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
36 annies costumes $299.99 
86 alpha omega publications $208.01 
37 adult frinder $298.54 
87 adult finder friend $206.96 
38 1 stop travel $285.91 
87 adult friend finder $206.96 
39 verizonwireless com $285.10 
87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
42 adultfreind finder $273.20 
92 claridges hotel $205.70 
43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
44 adult finder $272.04 
94 extended hotels $204.14 
45 vanquish credit card $268.73 
95 extended stay hotels san antonio $204.13 
46 ross $268.28 
96 www la quinta $202.96 
47 ld products ink $265.66 
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48 binoculars com $262.08 
98 cheapcaribbean com $202.00 
48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
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52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
53 shoebuy com $254.51 
4 verizonwireless $828.26 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
56 classic closeouts $252.00 
7 checks unlimited $515.73 
57 beyondblossoms $250.95 
7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
36 annies costumes $299.99 
86 alpha omega publications $208.01 
37 adult frinder $298.54 
87 adult finder friend $206.96 
38 1 stop travel $285.91 
87 adult friend finder $206.96 
39 verizonwireless com $285.10 
87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
42 adultfreind finder $273.20 
92 claridges hotel $205.70 
43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
44 adult finder $272.04 
94 extended hotels $204.14 
45 vanquish credit card $268.73 
95 extended stay hotels san antonio $204.13 
46 ross $268.28 
96 www la quinta $202.96 
47 ld products ink $265.66 
97 alibris used books $202.85 
48 binoculars com $262.08 
98 cheapcaribbean com $202.00 
48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
2 verizon wireless $926.49 
52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
53 shoebuy com $254.51 
4 verizonwireless $828.26 
54 verizon $254.27 
5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
56 classic closeouts $252.00 
7 checks unlimited $515.73 
57 beyondblossoms $250.95 
7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
36 annies costumes $299.99 
86 alpha omega publications $208.01 
37 adult frinder $298.54 
87 adult finder friend $206.96 
38 1 stop travel $285.91 
87 adult friend finder $206.96 
39 verizonwireless com $285.10 
87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
42 adultfreind finder $273.20 
92 claridges hotel $205.70 
43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
44 adult finder $272.04 
94 extended hotels $204.14 
45 vanquish credit card $268.73 
95 extended stay hotels san antonio $204.13 
46 ross $268.28 
96 www la quinta $202.96 
47 ld products ink $265.66 
97 alibris used books $202.85 
48 binoculars com $262.08 
98 cheapcaribbean com $202.00 
48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
2 verizon wireless $926.49 
52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
53 shoebuy com $254.51 
4 verizonwireless $828.26 
54 verizon $254.27 
5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
56 classic closeouts $252.00 
7 checks unlimited $515.73 
57 beyondblossoms $250.95 
7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
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28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
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79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
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84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
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87 adult friend finder $206.96 
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87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
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48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
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2 wireless verizon $926.49 
53 shoebuy com $254.51 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
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7 checks unlimited $515.73 
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7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
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21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
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87 adult finder friend $206.96 
38 1 stop travel $285.91 
87 adult friend finder $206.96 
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87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
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43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
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48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
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52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
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7 checks unlimited $515.73 
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7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
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10 giant auto parts $429.81 
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10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
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21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
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87 adult finder friend $206.96 
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87 adult friend finder $206.96 
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87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
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43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
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94 extended hotels $204.14 
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48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
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52 ross simon jewelry $254.70 
2 wireless verizon $926.49 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
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7 checks unlimited $515.73 
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58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
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10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
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69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
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87 adult finder friend $206.96 
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87 adult friend finder $206.96 
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87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
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93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
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48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
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7 checks unlimited $515.73 
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7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
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10 giant auto parts $429.81 
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10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
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69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
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74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
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75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
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87 adult finder friend $206.96 
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87 adult friend finder $206.96 
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87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
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91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
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92 claridges hotel $205.70 
43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
44 adult finder $272.04 
94 extended hotels $204.14 
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95 extended stay hotels san antonio $204.13 
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48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
51 swk $258.21 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
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7 checks unlimited $515.73 
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7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
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85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
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86 alpha omega publications $208.01 
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87 adult finder friend $206.96 
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87 adult friend finder $206.96 
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87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
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43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
44 adult finder $272.04 
94 extended hotels $204.14 
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95 extended stay hotels san antonio $204.13 
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48 binoculars com $262.08 
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48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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SpyFu - Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Here is what you can get from SpyFu for free: Top 100 SEM Spenders

Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click

Keywords with Most Clicks per Day; SEO Top 100

1 rugs usa $1,777.69 
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53 shoebuy com $254.51 
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5 mr beer com $593.06
54 verizon wireless com $254.27 
6 mr $582.74 
56 classic closeouts $252.00 
7 checks unlimited $515.73 
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7 unlimited checks $515.73 
58 fansedge $249.74 
9 auto parts giant com $498.18 
59 miller bros electrical $241.69 
10 giant auto parts $429.81 
60 herrenausstatter $239.68 
10 auto parts giant $429.81 
61 rosssimon $238.66 
12 checks $413.50 
62 berkeley hotel london $233.88 
12 checks com unlimited $413.50 
63 motels extended stay $229.32 
12 unlimited checks com $413.50 
64 weight loss 4 idiots $228.83 
15 AAA Fruit Baskets $400.55 
65 data recovery pittsburgh $226.87 
16 wooden blinds direct co uk $397.33 
66 inkjets123 $221.95 
17 clare florist $378.09 
67 tradex insurance $220.70 
18 ross simons catalog $376.51 
68 adultfrinedfinder $220.26 
19 florist clare $374.71 
69 viajar com $219.43 
20 autopartsgiant $370.26 
70 sun rocket com $218.49 
21 extended stay america hotels $356.05 
71 kenmarwatches com $218.46 
22 cornhill direct $355.32 
72 blue host $217.81 
23 adul friend finder $347.75 
72 host blue $217.81 
24 inkjet123 $345.32 
74 aldult friend finder $217.39 
25 autopartsgiant com $343.90 
75 no win no fee accident claim $216.51 
26 my jewelry box $340.56 
76 directline car insurance $215.43 
27 aaa fruit $338.32 
77 world class nutrition $214.69 
28 la quinta hotel walla walla $328.67 
78 accident no win no fee $213.19 
29 ross simon jewelers $328.31 
79 ambience linen $213.01 
30 reserve a hotel online $323.79 
80 no win no fee accident $212.24 
31 www ross simons com $322.44 
81 injury lawyers 4 u $210.41 
32 1Stop Travel Insurance $321.82 
82 injury lawyers 4 you $209.27 
33 1 stop travel insurance $313.44 
83 one stop travel insurance $209.10 
34 ross simons jewelry $312.57 
84 walking shoe company $208.75 
35 www checksunlimited com $309.28
85 gayebonyxxx $208.22 
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86 alpha omega publications $208.01 
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87 adult finder friend $206.96 
38 1 stop travel $285.91 
87 adult friend finder $206.96 
39 verizonwireless com $285.10 
87 friend finder adult $206.96 
39 $285.10 
90 data recovery new jersey $206.83 
41 simons jewelry $283.20 
91 bakersfield inns $205.94 
42 adultfreind finder $273.20 
92 claridges hotel $205.70 
43 claridges hotel london $272.64 
93 homestead atlanta hotel $204.66 
44 adult finder $272.04 
94 extended hotels $204.14 
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95 extended stay hotels san antonio $204.13 
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96 www la quinta $202.96 
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48 binoculars com $262.08 
98 cheapcaribbean com $202.00 
48 com binoculars $262.08 
99 adult fiend finder $201.69 
50 adultfriend $258.93 
100 adul friend $197.73

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