Yahoo!奇摩購物中心:資訊展送很大 撿便宜好時機-htc好康強打 舊換新手機0元起 全系列智慧機種 etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活 etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活

Touch Touch or Type 全系列配件 原廠全系列配件 果凍套/保護貼 其它配件 手機皮套/布套/護殼 當日訂當日送(限區域) 都會區上午訂當日到 作業系統搜羅 WinMo 微軟作業系統》》 Android 作業系統》》》 全站商品分類 台北花博推薦行程行程推薦~一日遊、二日遊、三日遊*奇摩購物每日好康*一日流血必搶↘★每日好康★超商取貨


etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活 etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活


一日遊 - 適合時間少、只能看重點展演的人
08:30 到新生公園區買票
09:00 入場,立刻衝到夢想館排預約券,等待的時間可參觀未來館&天使生活館(是一起的)
11:00  夢想庭園拍拍照,吃中餐
12:00 夢想館參觀(約一小時)
13:00 G4新生出入口搭花博一號線前往美術公園區
13:30 到達舞蝶館,進場看「百合戀」(下午兩點開始,是值回票價的好評表演)
15:30 搭花博一號線前往圓山公園區,參觀爭艷館
17:30 參觀流行館
18:30 去圓山接駁站1搭花博園內線,前往大佳河濱公園接駁站6(大佳東),行動巨蛋觀看晚上七點的表演
20:00 在大佳河濱公園看夜景,走走逛逛
22:00 懷著充實且愉悅的心情回家囉~

兩日遊 - 適合一般大眾,大多數展演都能看到
08:30 到G1圓山出入口買票
09:00 進入圓山公園區,立刻衝到名人館排預約券(12:00拿到19:30,50人/15分鐘一場) 
09:30  去地景花海區拍拍照,有時間的話參觀文化館
10:30 參觀名人館(視情況安排時間)
11:30 至爭豔館參觀
13:00 至流行館參觀
14:00 餐飲區吃中餐
14:30 走行人陸橋去美術公園區寰宇庭園區拍照
15:30 到達舞蝶館,進場看「百合戀」(下午兩點開始,是值回票價的好評表演)
18:00 去故事館拿預約券,至美術館正門口看表演或是在美術館吃輕食
18:30 參觀故事館
19:00 參觀美術館
20:00 到行人陸橋下看互動光雕,欣賞夜晚燈光特效十足的花博會場
21:00 懷著充實且愉悅的心情回家囉~

08:30 到G4新生出入口買票
09:00 進入新生公園區,立刻衝到夢想館排預約券12:00,等待的時間可參觀未來館&天使生活館(是一起的)
     供參考: 09:00排預約券排到12:00的場次,09:30再去拿就排到19:30了(五分鐘一場次)
11:00  去青青步道觀景,去夢想庭園拍照
12:00 參觀夢想館(約一小時)
13:00 去林下花圃花海區、迷宮花園拍照/參觀養生館(二選一)
13:30 到台灣美食區吃中餐
14:30 接駁站4(新生)搭接駁車至接駁站6(大佳東),進入大佳河濱公園區
15:00 看毛毛蟲大遊行
16:00 參觀行動巨蛋,大地花海區拍照
16:30 至接駁站6(大佳東)搭接駁車至接駁站5(大佳西),參觀花圃競賽區,看夜景
18:00 走到新生公園區參觀花茶殿(吃晚餐)、閩式庭園
19:00 到G4新生出入口附近紀念品商店買紀念品
20:00 滿足地回家囉~~!

三日遊 - 適合想悠閒逛花博、完整欣賞的人【推薦!】
08:30 G2兒育出入口買票
09:00 進入圓山公園區,立刻到名人館排預約券
09:30 參觀文化館&百藝廣場
11:00 參觀名人館
11:50 至真相館看3D動畫
12:20 地景花海區、精緻花卉區、造型花牆區、果樹園區走走逛逛,拍照
13:30 餐飲區吃中餐
14:30 參觀爭艷館
16:00 參觀西安庭園、上海庭園、流行館
18:00 看看夜景,回家囉~!(註:花博的夜晚會有許多燈光效果,可以好好走一圈欣賞美景)

09:00 入場,立刻到夢想館排預約券12:00
09:15 回到花夢廣場,經過怡情園,參觀養生館
10:30 迷宮花園、林下花圃花海區走逛拍照
11:15 台灣美食區吃中餐,走青青步道觀景
12:00 參觀夢想館
13:00 參觀未來館&天使生活館(是一起的)
15:00 走到閩式庭園、花茶殿參觀,經過花之隧道(綠築小徑)到大佳河濱公園區
16:00 逛移動森林、花圃競賽區
17:30 至餐飲區吃晚餐
18:30 行動巨蛋看19:00表演
20:00 走走逛逛,看夜景
21:00 至P1大佳碼頭坐船(可至美麗華、饒河夜市),回家囉~!

10:30 進入美術公園區,至故事館拿預約券(約半小時),在美術館附近拍照
11:00 參觀故事館
11:30 參觀美術館,於美術館南進門吃中餐
13:30 逛寰宇庭園區,拍照
15:30 至舞蝶館排隊入場觀賞「百合戀」(16:30 ~ 17:30)
17:30 至風味館買紀念品,歡樂的花博三日遊行程結束,回家囉~!

2010臺北國際花博會 交通資訊
逛花博的注意事項、事前準備!!! etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活 etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活
1.    請務必帶乾糧,由於花博地方廣大且有時間上的限制,餐飲區的座位也不多,帶乾糧可以先墊墊肚子,較不會拖到行程
2.    園區內只能用走的,沒有腳踏車、機車、汽車,僅有大佳河濱公園區有電動遊園車,但需付費49元
3.    承第2點,務必穿運動鞋或布鞋等較好走的鞋子。女生請注意即便是平底娃娃鞋、楔型鞋、靴子等,都有可能讓一直走路的雙腳過度疲勞,甚至受傷。
4. 花博會場內禁止吸煙,僅設立少量吸煙區,但不好找。若有吸煙需求的民眾,建議詳細看地圖,問問工作人員。
5. 前一晚請睡飽,有充足精神才有辦法專心看展演以及欣賞各地美景
6. 大佳河濱公園的風很強,長髮的人建議綁頭髮,否則拍照會不好看喔!
7. 建議穿褲裝
8. 可以帶小折凳,排隊時使用(隊伍中有長者時建議攜帶)
9. 相機電池攜帶兩顆以上(小編有一個展館就用掉一顆電池的紀錄)。為了避免後面有更棒的美景沒拍到,多帶幾台好相機也是必要的
10. 請攜帶備有錄影功能的攝影機或相機。某些展館有動態設計展演,甚至夜景的燈光效果也是,照片無法捕捉當下的感動,請要有殺掉好幾張記憶卡的心理準備

高記全館滿額雙重好康熱門必點饕客必點!原盅雞湯 改良獨門經典菜飯 Q彈寧波水磨年糕 慢火細燉 養身甜品 團購優惠★福利共享-奇摩購物每日好康*一日流血必搶↘★每日好康★《買二送一》襲捲市場超低價!你揪團了沒! 超值★美味套餐 揪過來★團購專案 素食專區 中式點心 上海點心 港式點心 經典大包 必點人氣菜色 上海風華冷菜 主廚推薦 細粉 / 餛飩 / 粽子 飯 / 麵 / 年糕 砂鍋羹湯 甜點 / 禮盒 甜點 精緻伴手禮 全站商品分類熱門必點饕客必點!原盅雞湯 改良獨門經典菜飯 Q彈寧波水磨年糕 慢火細燉 養身甜品 團購優惠★福利共享-奇摩購物每日好康*一日流血必搶↘★每日好康★《買二送一》襲捲市場超低價!你揪團了沒! etboss亞新牛樟芝,etboss賺錢,etboss團購網路賺錢,etboss奇摩賺錢,etboss奇摩購物網路行銷賺錢,etboss網路團購賺錢,etboss關鍵字賺錢,etboss在家網路賺錢高記全館滿額雙重好康 超值★美味套餐 揪過來★團購專案 素食專區 中式點心 上海點心 港式點心 經典大包 必點人氣菜色 上海風華冷菜 主廚推薦 細粉 / 餛飩 / 粽子 飯 / 麵 / 年糕 砂鍋羹湯 甜點 / 禮盒 甜點 精緻伴手禮 全站商品分類熱門必點饕客必點!原盅雞湯 改良獨門經典菜飯 Q彈寧波水磨年糕 慢火細燉 養身甜品

etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活 etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活

etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活 etboss奇摩購物團購賺錢-人氣團購美食全館滿6千現折500 團購優惠★福利共享etboss-奇摩購物商城當日經選特價團購產品 - 十大熱門網站提供團購,團購網,團購美食排名,團購美食,團購美食網,團購力量大,非凡美食團購,團購國外商品超簡單! 下殺3折海外逸品天天更新家用PC商用PC工作站 LCD液晶電腦 美食團購網,熱門團購美食, 團購美食排名 skype: ok5880022 QQ: 860803426 email: etboss.王總部落格全站分類:數位生活

Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Traffic by Garmin 427 of 431 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Best GPS I have ever Owned, December 10, 2008 By Michael Simpson "Owner of" (Leesburg VA) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Traffic (Electronics) I have owned quite a few GPS units all including Phone, Laptop and Dedicated. Flat out before I even get started the Garmin Nuvi 265WT is the best I have ever owned. Let me just make a couple of comments on the most important features. Touch Screen Interface Very intuitive and easy to use. Touch screen is responsive but not instantaneous. What I particularly like is the ability to switch to a top down view by touching the screen. Once done you can use your finger to drag the map around at any zoom point. Once done you can hit the back button and resume your 3D view. Turn by Turn You have two options here. You can use one of the Text to Speech voices or one of natural voices. The text to speech voices will give you more information such as street names. This is what I use and even though you can tell it's a computer generated voice its quality is superb. The 265WT does a good job at keeping you updated. Also at any time you can hit the turn Icon and it will speak the distance to the next turn, giving you street name as well as direction. The audio is quite loud and in my noisy little Scion I have no problem hearing the messages. Maps I have found the map accuracy quite good. I live in Northern virginal and it seems to be very well updated as many of the very new streets included. Automatic Routing Very effective. You can choose between the quickest or the shortest with options to avoid U-Turns, Highways, Toll Roads, Traffic, Ferries. The automatic rerouting is faster than my TeleNav phone and my Laptop computers. Points of Interest On my TeleNav phone GPS system I can enter any business in the national database and I can get directions, address and phone number. This is where the 265WT falls short. The TeleNav system has the advantage of searching online. Since the 265WT is limited to onboard memory there is a limit to the number of points of interest. A good example is I was looking for "Off Broadway Shoes" and the unit could not find them. However a search for "Payless Shoes" worked very well. Traffic Alerts The lifetime free traffic comes at a price. You will get popup adds. These are very small popups that supposedly only come when you are in the menu. This is not true. I have gotten them while in the navigation screen. For now they it seems to be once per trip but there is nothing to say they wont start getting more frequent. The other thing I don't like about the messages is that you have to hit them to continue and doing so takes you out of the nav screen to a kind of favorites screen. You have to hit the back button to get back to your navigations screen. How well does the traffic system work. I live in Northern VA and have coverage throughout my area. The included radio fails to pick up a single signal without using an external antenna. Sadly you can just go down and purchase an FM antenna.. The Power cable has a 3/32" jack. What I did was to pick up a 3/32" plug from Radio Shack and soldered a 4' wire to the tip pin on the connector. Once draped out one of the windows I get very frequent traffic updates. Once you start getting traffic reports I found them to be accurate and they do help. You can automatically avoid high traffic arias or do it manually as they accrue. I am still debating if the popup adds are worth the effort. Bluetooth Integration This is my favorite feature. I can keep my keyboard locked Motorola Q in my pants pocket and use my 265WT to make and receive all my calls at a touch of a button. All my phone features are available on the 265WT. Phonebook, Call history, Voice Recognition. The voice quality is quite acceptable on both ends. As a matter of fact the echo I get on my Motorola is not there when using the 265WT as a hands free set. Picture Viewer I found this to be a very useless feature. If the photos are very big it takes forever for the 265WT to load them. This may be due to the slow access to the SD card slot. There are other features like the ability to connect the 265WT to your PC and automatically add favorite locations using GoogleMaps. All in all I am very happy with my purchase and would purchase it again. FYI the Nuvi 265WT is the same unit as the Nuvi 255W without the Bluetooth ability and the FM reliever cable (GTM 25). You can even purchase the GTM 25 from Garmin. If you don't want the Bluetooth feature and don't currently need the traffic feature you can pick up the Nuvi 255W cheaper. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (5)

112 of 113 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Impressed!, December 5, 2008 By Russell Madaus "In My Opinion" (Streamwood, IL) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Traffic (Electronics) After doing extensive research I decided on this unit. Mainly because the 265wt is one of their newer NUVI products and it had the features I was looking for. If you look at the sites that have reviews on the 265wt, most are from nov/2008. I think this unit was released about 6 months ago. Anyway, here's my opinion on some of the key features of the 255WT. 1. Windsheild mount - works great. The suction cup is very high quality and I have no concerns that it will accidentally detach from the windsheild. I love the swivel capabilites and it allows you a perfect view no matter where you put it. 2. Satellite aquisition time - incredible! once you perform the initial aquistion, you are set. Now when I turn the on it's ready to go in usually under 3 seconds. Awesome! 3. Map directions and screen - wonderful. The GPS unit so far has given me perfect directions and the re-route capability works flawlessly. The screen is clear, bright and easy to navigate. 4. Free traffic alerts - works as described. I love this feature and I hardly saw any ads. 5. Bluetooth - giddy up! I had my Motorola KZR1 synched up in about 15 seconds. Easy to use and sure makes talking on the phone alot more enjoyable when driving. I've had conversations with multiple people and they could hear me fine. One cool thing is if your phone has voice dialing; because it allows you do it through the GPS unit. Also, all my contacts show up (even with multiple phone #'s). 6. And finally...the internal speaker. If you researched the 265WT like I've done you'll see ALOT of people complaining that the speaker is too quiet to hear anything. That was a big concern of mine but I felt I would give the unit a try and if it was that bad then I would return it. My thoughts on the speaker are this. The speaker size/quality could and probably should be improved. It's a cheapy speaker...BUT...I CAN hear the directions perfectly fine and can here the other person talking to me when using the bluetooth phone capability. Side notes: You HAVE to turn down your radio if you want to be able to hear it. Also, I was driving with the windows closed (it's friggin winter), so I cannot say how well you'd be able to hear the directions/phone with your windows rolled all the way down. Bottom line - it has met or exceeded all of my expectations! I bought it on the day after Thanksgiving (aka Black Friday) and I got an incredible deal! $199.99 with free shipping, no tax, and got %50 off a $25 case logic travel case. I would have spent an extra $150 if I would have bought the same unit from a local retailer. Finally if your in the market to buy any GPS my suggestion is wait until it gets closer to X-mas and see if the price drops. I'm guessing they'll do it again. I was fortunate to get it when I did and hence saved a nice chunk of change. Hope this helped! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (4)

81 of 83 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Works perfectly, June 18, 2009 By K. W. Ford (Monrovia, CA United States) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Integrated Traffic Receiver (Factory Refurbished) (Electronics) I was a bit confused at first by the 265w label on the device and on the screen during boot up; however, this unit does have the FM receiver built into the power adapter cable and works exactly as advertised. The routing software is much more intelligent than a previous model I've owned, the interface is notably improved and the text to speech for street names is a very nice addition. Hands-free phone features also work flawlessly. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (3) 45 of 45 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Quite pleased. Also great Customer Service and Technical Assistance, July 7, 2009 By Jim D. (Washington, DC USA) - See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Integrated Traffic Receiver (Factory Refurbished) (Electronics) My refurbished 265wt looks and works like new and the features were as I expected. The only thing that I wish it had is the ability to save routes. But you can plan and follow a route by designating a final destination and then again using the "Where To" Feature to add additional locations and then for each selecting the option "Add as Via Point," but you cannot save the route for future use. I ran into two glitches when attempting to update the map (free within 60 days of first use). Since it was a refurbished unit, the first use date was more than 60 days before I received the GPS and thus I was unable to download the free update. A call to Garmin easily resolved that - the customer service contact person added it to my account for free download. The second problem was that when I tried to install the updated map I got a message indicating there was not enough space and it refused to install. Another call to Garmin and a software expert used "remote assist" (after my giving him permission to take control of my computer from his location) and made live changes to my GPS. After that the map update was successful. In both cases the Garmin personnel were most courteous, very competent, and easy to understand. I also found the Garmin MapSource program very helpful. It can be downloaded at no charge if you already have another Garmin program, and if you don't, you can first download and install the free Garmin Training Center program and then download and install MapSource at no cost. Working in MapSource to create, to view and to edit waypoints and tracks and other features and then using MapSource to transfer the data to the GPS is far easier than trying to do this directly on the GPS. Apart from mapping, the "Points of Interest" feature can lead you to unexpected places. After using the GPS "Where To", then "Points of Interest" in the Germantown, Maryland area I selected "Food" to look for lunch. The first two addresses ended up being residential addresses in townhouse developments. Out of curiosity I learned that one house was unoccupied according to a neighbor and at the other house no one answered the door. On my 3rd try I selected the chain "Subway" and that address was right on. Clearly the Points of Interest contains some unreliable information. However, this would likely be true for all Garmin GPS models. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment (1) 65 of 68 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Better than a Nuvi 760, February 3, 2009 By Youth Pastor "of Disaster" (Dallas, TX) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Traffic (Electronics) Before I decided to buy this Nuvi 265wt model, I had bought the Nuvi 760 model on Black Friday. The 760 model was okay at best. I had it for about three weeks until I realized that the upper right hand corner would not respond until after pressing that corner at least five times. So I decided to return the Garmin and I was thinking about getting a tomtom or magellan. But then I saw the 265wt on sale for $200 and I decided, since I bought the 760 for $250, maybe I could save money and just give Garmin one last try...As soon as I opened the 265wt, I fell in love with it! The 265wt FAR OUTWEIGHS the Nuvi 760 by a mile! The screen refresh rate on the 265wt is much better, the satellite locks on faster, the colors are brighter in my opinion (and yes, they were at the same brightness level!), and the free traffic is so much better on the 265wt. With the 760, I had free MSN Traffic for three months and comparing that with the 265wt traffic, they are exactly the same. Except with the 760, you have to pay a yearly subscription. Furthermore, with the 265wt, you can custom load POI's (Points of Interest) and so I have loaded mine with all the locations of In-N-Out Burger and Rudy's BBQ in America, which is awesome. They also have Custom POI's which show you where speed camera's and red light camera's are, if that's your kind of thing. But I'm a law abiding Texan, so I never mess with Texas and that kind of illegal stuff... The only thing that the 760 had that the 265wt doesn't have is mp3/audiobook and the FM Transmitter with audio jack. About the FM Transmitter - it was a cool feature but it wasn't practical because in Dallas, where I live, there are thousands of radio stations. There are hardly any open radio stations. You think there's an open one, but then all of a sudden, you hear the voice of a person speaking a different language (must have been Chinese Talk Radio) or you hear a Mariachi Band playing. Then you go one decimal point higher, and there's the Hip-Hop Station. With so much static in Dallas, the MP3/Audiobook Player really becomes useless... The only time I was able to use the transmitter without static was when I took a trip up to Oklahoma. In Oklahoma, there isn't much radio stations as there are only cows and fields in Oklahoma. I finally was able to put the 760 to the true test of using the MP3 player. However, what I found really dissappointing was that as I was listening to Richard P. Feynman's Audiobook, "The Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics: The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures", I fell asleep on I35 and almost got into a car crash near Oklahoma City. It was then I realized that the Nuvi 760's MP3/Audiobook player was more of a driving hazzard than a helpful tool to get me safely to Norman, OK where I needed to go. Therefore, HANDS DOWN the 265wt is not only a better GPS than the Nuvi 760, but it's also a FAR SAFER GPS!!! If you want MP3's or Music without static, get an Ipod and connect it to your car. It's far better... Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment (1)

39 of 40 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Well worth the price of admission, January 9, 2009 By Larusco (St. Louis, Mo) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Traffic (Electronics) I have had the 265wt for a couple of weeks now. I try not to buy gadgets or toys unless I can get a lot of use out of them, this one I use every day. I don't have much experience with other GPS's other than a friend's TomTom but I can offer some insight from just a regular guy. The TomTom was fun but when I did my research there were a few features that seemed better on this Garmin, most notably "free traffic" which I will discus in a minute. Navigation On the first day I took it out we went to my niece's house. I had been there before but was not entirely familiar with the area. On the way there it took me exactly as I had gone before when I used MapQuest. On the way home it told me to drive northeast about 1.1 miles to catch a different highway when I was actually trying to go southeast. Needless to say I ignored the advice. After about five minutes it was clear that I should have listened and my wife and son made some unwarranted comments about how I always think I know better. Forty-five minutes later, rather than twenty-five, we pulled into the driveway and the abuse came to an end. If you get a GPS, keep an open mind about where it tells you to go. It seems like the Tom-Tom was a little more intuitive about addresses when I was keying them in but the Garmin was easy enough. It helps to know the city you are going to. The screen on the map has tons of information including speed limit signs and I love the speed limit signs. Free Traffic I had to go to my uncle's funeral in some podunk Missouri town. The navigation on the way there was perfect and it took me right to the Funeral Home. On the way home there was one of those rainstorms where you know you should pull off but visibility was so low the next guy would probably just run into the back of you. So it is white knuckle time and about 20 minutes into it the traffic icon changes and shows a one minute delay. About a minute later a little blip shows up on the road ahead of me. As I got closer to the symbol the road went down to one lane and as I cleared the crest of the hill there was a Police car on the shoulder and a car that had slid off the road. It was nice to get the heads up given the road conditions and surprising because I was almost an hour and a half away from St. Louis. In daily conditions I can't say there is anything too surprising. So far it is just heavy traffic in all the usual places and the unit always shows a delay of some type when I go back and forth to work. I will say it is nice to get an ETA based on the traffic delays. TTS/Sound Text-to-Speech is good; the words can be a little strange when you use some of the different dialects. Sound for directions is plenty good. I only have it at sixty percent because after that it interferes with my music. If you need to hear the directions you are going to have to turn the music down a little anyway. Bluetooth I didn't really have high expectations for Bluetooth. I already own a Jabra that sits on my visor. The Bluetooth on the Garmin is actually better than the Jabra but sound is still a little too weak for a phone. This feature was about a good as I would have expected. Overall this was well worth the $250 I paid for it. The traffic was the dealmaker for me and the ads are not an issue at all. They only take up a incredibly small portion of the screen and just go away on their own. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment 84 of 92 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Great GPS with advanced functionality, November 15, 2008 By C. Smith "C. Smith" (CT, USA) - See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Traffic (Electronics) The 265WT is (literally) THE way to go! It's an easy-to-use GPS. It has voice turn-by-turn instructions (including street names), free FM traffic for life!, and hands-free Bluetooth capability. The graphics are great too. The antenna is built in and very sensitive. The FM traffic is a great feature, and unlike other models, it's free for life with the 265WT. While commuting, I can easily see where traffic is congested or stopped, and my Nuvi 265WT routes me around it. Isn't technology great! For the price (purchased on Amazon <$300), the 265WT is a great value considering the advanced functionality. I can't think of a better GPS with all of the features I need and will frequrently use. The hands-free Bluetooth speaker quality is okay, but not great. Note: Like all Nuvi's, the 265WT is fairly intuitive to use, so you won't need a printed manual. You can download a PDF manual from the Garmin website. Garmin saves lots of paper annually by not including a printed manual with the unit. Way to go Garmin! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment (1) 30 of 31 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Great value GPS, December 14, 2008 By Laura R. Garza "Lala" (Houston, Tx.) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Traffic (Electronics) After some research we bought a Garmin 205W but after using it a few times, it just didn't meet all our needs. I did more research and found the 265WT on The 265WT has the lifetime traffic and bluetooth capability which the 205W does not- for the same price. IT ALSO DISPLAYS THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT, WHICH UPDATES AS SOON AS IT CHANGES (on a dime). We have used the 265WT for about a month and have traveled pretty far from home. It has saved us a lot of time and gas, which was a nice surprise. On another ocassion though, it did send us on a wild goose chase to an open field where a business was supposed to be located. I think the system was confused due to a very long street; which is 3 streets in one (W. FM 1960, E. FM 1960 and just plain FM 1960 without a direction in front of the street name). Another great feature that I think most models have is phone numbers to businesses are displayed, so you can call with any questions about their locations and hours, etc. We suggest the 265WT which is a loaded GPS, as a "Best Buy". Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment 22 of 22 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Garmin 265 Vs 255 - Hands Down 265 ~ Heres Why...., August 17, 2010 By Steven Wolff (Vancouver, WA) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Traffic (Electronics) Ok, I'm just like you... I want to know the good the bad and the ugly before I spend my hard earned (yet limited) cash on anything I buy online. Like me, you do the homework and read all the reviews and wish some people would be more specific. I'm going to do that for you. I've had the Garmin Nuvi 265WT since Mid-July 2010 (Several months now) and I used it to travel over 3000 miles from the Pacific Northwest to the Mid-west and back. How's it work? It works great! This is my first GPS and I can't believe how I've managed to live without one. I'll get into the specifics in a few moments but first, I got this because my girlfriend is "Directionally Challenged" and since she can't drive, she's the one I depend on to tell me where to turn, etc. before I got my GPS. Needless to say, we fought like cats & dogs because we would miss a turn or get lost and end up being late for an appointment, even when we left early enough for it. (It happens). So we decided to get a GPS... but which one? There's a whole bunch of them out there! Well, I've learned through my research that Garmin is the leader in quality and reliability so that helped me narrow down the search as far as which brand. Now, which one is for me? Well, based on price, age of technology, etc. I was able to narrow it down further between the Garmin Nuvi 255W and the 265WT. (Don't let the "T" throw you. It stands for Traffic. If you see the letter T behind any of the brands, it means it comes with a traffic antenna that's built into the cord.) I'm happy to find out that you get FREE lifetime traffic reports and you don't have to sign up for anything fancy. If you have the traffic antenna built into the cord, you have this feature! I'll talk more on the traffic later. Okay, Garmin 255 vs 265 ~ What's the difference? I was able to compare mine to the 255 and there's a big difference in the quality of the sound. The Garmin Nuvi 255W sounds like someone's hand is over their mouth (Muffled) and only one voice on the many voices you get to choose from is actually clear enough to understand. If you didn't know, your Garmin has male & female voices, I counted 66 different ones on mine. So if your native language is not English, they have every other language - you name it, it's in here! Pick that language and the GPS will talk in that language with very nice accuracy! The Garmin nuvi 265W has better clarity than the 255. It doesn't sound muffled and is pretty clear. (It can always be better as some people would argue with this point)... but comparing the two GPS, 265W sounds better! Other than the sound, the 255 & the 265 are nearly identical, except the 265 has bluetooth built in for those who want to be hands free on the road. I didn't use this feature so I can't comment on it. I don't remember if the 255 has the Traffic antenna built into the power cord but remember, if it says WT, it has it. (Please Note: Amazon is selling the 265W and is leaving off the "T" but they are including it when you buy it. I know it's confusing but in the fine print, it does say this comes with the traffic cord.) Since I'm back to the traffic feature, might as well get it out of the way... The traffic feature picks up the local (city) traffic-monitoring signal of what ever city your in (If that city is broadcasting it). It will be on the left side of the screen and have two little cars in a circle. If you click that it will give you several options. You can check to see if you have traffic on route to where your going (which I found was a nice feature) and if you're not going anywhere but just have it on, it's nice to see the birds eye view of the main highways and where there's red, there's congestion. Please keep in mind, people blame the GPS for being wrong if there's no traffic where they said there should be and vice versa. It's not the GPS fault... it's the traffic monitoring system which maybe slow to update. If there is traffic along the route your taking, it will give you a button to "divert" around the traffic which is nice. I didn't try it but it's nice to have if I'm running late. The ADVERTISEMENTS (*Cue Dramatic Music*)- I've read so many reviews of people whining and complaining about the advertisements. WHAT ADVERTISEMENTS? You mean the little tiny one that pops up when ever I'm stopped at a red light that says "Crabfest at Red Lobster". So what? It's half an inch top to bottom and maybe two inches side to side that disappears once I start moving. Give me a Break! I barely notice them and 98% of the time forget they even exist. Don't let this bother you... they don't get in the way. So driving from Portland, Oregon to Grand Junction, Colorado was a breeze with my Garmin 265W(T) - Before I left, I typed in the address and hit save and it saved it so when I was ready to leave, it told me where to go, step by step. I love that I don't have to look at it when I'm driving because it will give me a heads up that I'll be turning left or right up ahead and it will even say the name of the street. The first heads up will say "In one mile, turn right on baker street" Then when I get close by, "Turn right" literally before I have to turn for a flawless turn... no sudden last minute lane changes. If I look at the GPS, it will show the arrow of where I am now and where I will be turning and will put the little icon right on top of the street/location you're at, so you can't go wrong. Same thing if you're taking an On Ramp to a highway you've never been on, it will stretch out the pointy line so you will stay right on track. Another neat feature I like is the speed limit indicator. When you're in route somewhere, it will show the speed limit of the road your on (95% of the time). I saw the speed limit sign up ahead change and I watched my GPS which said 55mph change to 65mph within a foot of the speed limit sign! (Very Impressive Garmin!). Naturally, driving several thousand miles, I was able to stay in the speed limit and passed through several speed traps with no problems because while I couldn't see the speed sign (say it's night time), I just looked at my GPS and it said the speed limit AND the speed I'm going! Using the satellites, it was accurately clocking my speed! I thought that was sooo cool. :-) It's got a ECO-Button that uses the above technology to help you better learn how to save gas by measuring your acceleration, deceleration and speed consistency to give you a score of up to 100. (100 is perfect). It averages everything and let's you know what kind of eco-friendly driver you are. That works sometimes, but I couldn't be eco-friendly when I was in stop and go/rush hour traffic where we're speeding up and slowing down but when I was out and about, I got the general idea and it helped me save on gas. (Another nice feature). If you don't go the route you want (Say you turn off the road to stretch or take pictures, etc.) It will automatically recalculate your position and tell you where you need to go to get back on track! (VERY NICE!) If you've got FAMILY or a significant other who has to go to the bathroom, one of the nice things you can do is click on "Points of Interest" and click on "Fuel" to find the nearest gas station so they can go relieve themselves and you can get some coffee to stay awake... All this while in the middle of driving from point A to point B. I found myself having to divert course in a city I've never been in and the GPS took me there like I lived there all my life... it was nice. The Points of Interest (POI) - It's got a whole bunch of POI's pre-programmed in, to look for restaurants, fuel, shopping, repair, you name it! Even in a different city, it can tell you where's the nearest .... based on where you are at the time. If there's a certain POI that you don't see or want to find, you can type it in. I found myself typing "Walmart" and it showed me where all the walmarts were and what ever one I wanted, I just clicked on and hit "GO" and it took me there! (Replace Walmart with the name of your favorite store, etc.) Along the way, if there wasn't a POI, I made one. Example... As I was driving and found a rest stop, once I drove in, I clicked on my car icon on my GPS and it will show my current location, the nearest address, nearest intersection and there's a great big button that says "SAVE LOCATION" - I used that a lot, especially for the rest stops. So once I clicked it, a keyboard came up and I typed in what I wanted to call the spot I'm at, and it saved it under my favorites folder! So on the way back, I could see far down the road the rest stops I stopped at before so I can decide if I wanted to pull over or not. I also made my POI for places that have free wi-fi so once I needed to go to a wi-fi hotspot, I went under my favorites folder, clicked on the name "Free Internet Wifi" (I made that up) and from where I was, the GPS took me right back to that spot. IMPORTANT NOTE: When you click on your car/icon, it will also have 3 major buttons next to the Save Location. These are nice to have... they are Hospital, Police Station and Fuel. So knock on wood, you're driving down the road and someone gets sick, you click on the hospital button on your GPS and it will show you ALL the hospitals near you, tell you how many miles away, point you in what direction and even give you the address & phone number in case you need to call ahead! The Garmin Nuvi 265WT is loaded with a lot of very nice and useful features. It's got a big screen, great battery life, and will take you where you need to go. When we were in Grand Junction, we made the place we were staying our POI (Point of Interest) so when ever we drove away from the house and explored the city, at anytime, we just clicked on the POI that we made and it took us right back to where we were staying! We didn't have to worry about getting lost. Any Errors? In all fairness, yes, it had 1 minor error - it took us to a store that no longer was there. Was that the fault of the GPS? No. The software does have to be upgraded and you're given ONE free update within the 60 days you have it. If you don't upgrade it, you will have the option of paying for any future updates. You can pay $100 something and get free updates for life (which I don't agree with but that's business for you) but if you use it constantly, it maybe the right choice for you. Is it perfect? No. There's lots of things that can be improved but people... come on... it wasn't that long ago we had this technology! We've come a long way and all of this is constantly being improved on. The one "Flaw" if you can call it that is lack of instructions. You just have to play with it and figure it out. That's the only thing they dropped the ball on. Everything else is wonderful! I LOVE my new Garmin Nuvi 265WT. Are there better ones? For the great price I paid, IMO... No, this is the sweet spot on getting quality, size and reliability for this GPS. Yes, there are fancier screens, yes you can get fancier graphics. From doing all my homework, research and reading TONS of reviews of MANY GPS's... The Garmin 265WT is a no brainer. Stop Reading and Just Buy the damn thing already. IT WORKS BEAUTIFULLY! Oh- One last thing... If you go to Navtones dot com you can download the voice of K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider and have it be the voice of your GPS! When you download it, it will ask you for your name, so now when I'm using my GPS, it address me "Steven, I'm Knight Industries Two Thousand. Where would you like to go?" And if I'm not going the way KITT/GPS routed for me, KITT would mouth off saying "Steven if you don't want to listen to me, I'm going to turn myself off. I'm recalculating..." There's other celebrity voices and things to customize your Garmin 265WT... Just do a google search and look for them. They made my trip a very enjoyable one. :-) Hope this review helped. Sorry it was long winded but I give credit where it's due! Trust your gut and hopefully trust this review. I'm very happy with my GPS and it's very reliable. I recommend it and LOVE IT. You can't go wrong with the Garmin Nuvi 265W(T). Stop Reading and Buy it! (Thank me later) :-) Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comments (2) 21 of 21 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Great product at good price, March 12, 2009 By Bryan (Atlanta, GA USA) - See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Garmin nuvi 265W/265WT 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Traffic (Electronics) I spent about a month researching Garmin Nuvis before I settled on the 265WT. I knew I wanted a Nuvi, but wasn't sure of the features I'd want or need. All of the features on this unit are great. I don't use the Bluetooth, but do use everything else. I like the new firmware - the Eco Route is very useful for gas mileage purposes. There really isn't anything negative I can say about it. I got it for a great price (around $240 when I bought it and it's worth every penny). If you can get it for a lower price, that's great, but to me, $240 was worth it for the features it has. NOW, in order take advantage of all of the features, you need to really know what the unit can do and the user manual just doesn't cover it all. You need to search online for uses (there are a ton that I'd never even have thought of, like GeoTagging photographs)! Luckily, a guy named Gary Hayman had put together an excellent tutorial. Without him, I'd simply have used my Nuvi to get from point A to point B, but he has taught me that it can be used for SO MUCH MORE! Check his site out. I'll post the link, but if it doesn't come through, just do an online search for his name and GPS (or Nuvi). Or seach his name and 'garmin GPS Tricks, Tips, Work Arounds, Hint, Secrets and Ideas'. AND, no, I'm in no way compensated to give him props, but after you see his site, you'll see why he deserves mention. Like I said, I wouldn't know all of the wonders of my Nuvi if not for his site. He definitely deserves credit for taking this from a good GPS system to an excellent gadget capable of so much more than I ever though. [...] Now, more specifics: The screen size is great (one of the features I insisted I get was widescreen)/ The Traffic feature is good. I had read some bad reviews of it, so I guess I wasn't expecting much, but I've had good luck with - it's gotten me around a couple of traffic tie-ups (I live in Atlanta, so traffic is a big deal here). The 'free' traffic feature is ad supported. But, honestly, the ads aren't a bother at all - they're very small and aren't constant - they appear every so often. The new EcoRoute feature rocks. You simply plug in your gas price (and a couple more specific items about your vehicle) and it keeps track of how much you spend per tank and per trip! So, if you want to know how much it costs you to drive to work, it keeps a list of every trip you make and show your the cost of fuel. Just be sure to enter the new gas price each time you fill up for accurate results. That's about all I can think of right now. I'd highly recommned this Nuvi. Lots of advanced features for a reasonable price. The Gift--She catapulted to international stardom overnight with 500 million YouTube hits, smashed music records around the world with her triumphant debut album and now Susan Boyle returns with her eagerly awaited second album, The Gift.


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Product Description

She catapulted to international stardom overnight with 500 million YouTube hits, smashed music records around the world with her triumphant debut album and now Susan Boyle returns with her eagerly awaited second album, The Gift. The Gift, sees Susan Boyle and world acclaimed producer Steve Mac reunited to present a breathtaking seasonal album. Featuring yule time favourites ‘The First Noel’ and ‘O Holy Night’, Susan also fearlessly takes on iconic pop songs including ‘Don’t Dream It’s Over’ and ‘Perfect Day’ giving them a new identity. Also making her musical debut on The Gift is American medic and winner of the International Susan Search, Amber Stassi. Amber & Susan perform a stunning and inimitable rendition of ‘Do you Hear What I Hear’. Now with a beautiful seasonal album she will, once again, defy critics and preconceptions. Susan explained; "When making this album, I really wanted the songs to touch hearts. Music has always been a companion to me, particularly on special occasions. I wanted there to be a mix of songs that would flow with all our moods this holiday season. As much as the season is a time for reflection, it is also a time for fun and enjoyment with those closest to us."

Pampers Baby Dry Diapers (Packaging May Vary) am a stay at home Mom with 4 children. I have been buying diapers for the past almost 11 years and Pampers Baby Dry is hands down the best diaper on the market, and believe me I have tried them all! All of my kids have been "super soakers" when it comes to pee. These diapers way out perform any other brand including major brands and department store brands. The major selling points for me are: 1. They are thin, easy to pack 5 in a diaper bag. 2. Easy to unfold with one hand (if you, like me frequently have to use the other hand to keep baby still) 3. tabs are easily opened without extra unfolding and don't rip off like several other brands. 4. Doesn't leave residue on baby or smell like pee when really soaked. 5. wider in the front to prevent baby from peeing out the side (and my kids are experts at this)

One thing that may be helpful is to remember that Pampers fit better on children that are long and skinny. If your baby is short and really chubby in the bottom, then Huggies will fit your baby better. This, I believe, explains the few complaints about Pampers not fitting or leaking. Hope this review was helpful! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment 5 of 5 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Thankful Mom, January 21, 2005 By Adrienne P. Robertiello "adriennepia" (New Jersey, USA) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 6, 108-Count (Health and Beauty) I have three children in diapers. My oldest is 4 years old and is autistic. We have not been able to potty train him yet. We tried several brands only to find out that Pampers Baby Dry was always the one we went back to. No question! No leaks! But the cost of our diapers just adds up. Amazon has the absolute cheapest price I have found - in stores or on-line. And free shipping, and I got (...) off with a promotion for baby items over (...) prurchased. I made out! And never had to leave my door! Thanks Amazon! Really! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Love these diapers!, July 5, 2004 By carolyn "shopperextrodinaire" (Columbus, Ohio) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) (VINE VOICE) This review is from: Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 1, 112-Count (Health and Beauty) Boy, are these great diapers! Plus, this is double the size of the regular packs of diapers (exactly) and it just makes it easier to have one this size and fill up your diaper stacker than it is to have a zillion of the smaller packs. I love having enough diapers for a week and since these are size 1, you go through them like candy! I'm glad to have these and to have found them here on The diapers themselves are fantastic - the only ones we've tried that do not leak. They absorb everything and quite frankly, I hate changing crib sheets so these are definitely worth the money. Plus, they don't promote diaper rash as easily as the cheaper diapers do. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Best diapers out there!, June 20, 2008 By T. Ellis (Ogden, UT) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Pampers Baby Dry Diapers (Packaging May Vary) (Health and Beauty) When our first child was born we tried every diaper at the store. We couldn't get a diaper to last him through the night without leaking. Pampers was the only diaper that would not leak through night. I prefer the green box to the purple box (cruisers) because the purple box diapers leave some gel looking residue on the baby's skin. We are now onto our second child and he just turned two. We still swear by Pampers diapers. I agree that their wipes aren't as good as Huggies. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment 4 of 4 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Cheapest I can find - even compared to the wholesale stores!, July 9, 2007 By S.F. (CT) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 5, 144-Count (Health and Beauty) Great product, arrives on time in a perfect box each time. Can't beat the great price! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment (1) 4 of 4 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Great now that they have stretchy tabs!!!!, December 1, 2006 By Mellibelli "Mellibelli" (Highland Mills, MY) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 4, 160-Count (Health and Beauty) I love these diapers. I used them in the beginning when they did not have baby flex. They were a bit binding and leaked easily. I then switched to luvs for the price but they did not have stretch tabs either my son was between size 3 and 4 so the extra room would cause leakage. Size 4 in pampers baby dry were just right and the flex tabs are comfortable for crawling and movement. I liked pampers cruisers but they were a little pricey. I love that the regular pampers have stretch for the same price. Now if only Luvs would do the same. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment 4 of 4 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars I like Baby Dry better than Swaddlers, September 8, 2005 By MiniMarch (MA) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 1-2, 228-Count (Health and Beauty) I bought Baby Dry size 1 and 2 and Swaddlers 1-2 combination. Baby Dry hardly leaks for us. Swaddlers leaks every time. Maybe it is because I have a boy and he pees often and a lot. Baby Dry works better for us than Swaddlers. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars "caterpillar" flex tabs delivered by Amazon 5/07, June 2, 2007 By Kimberly Smith (Harrison, AR) - See all my reviews (VINE VOICE) (REAL NAME) Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 4, 160-Count (Health and Beauty) Just for those worried (like I was) about getting old non-flextab diapers from ordering this product: I ordered a 160-pack, size 4, in May, and they were the newest version, not the old ones with non-flexible tabs. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent diapers for every night use, June 1, 2006 By Alfredo (San Jose, CA) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 4, 160-Count (Health and Beauty) We have been usng Pampers since our baby was born and we have never had an issue. Our baby has never had any rash and the diapers never leaked (and there were mornings when we were amazed by the extra weight they had taken on). Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars simply the best!!!!!!, October 22, 2004 By Tijuana Hayes (miami, fl) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 4, 144-Count (Health and Beauty) this is the best!!!!! i ordered two boxes on oct.14,2004 and although other reviews said they had problems with late shipments my pampers were both at my door in less than a week. not only did i get more pampers in this box than i usually get locally(144 versus 126) for the same price,there was no sales tax, plus free shipping and front door service. what more could you ask for? thank you Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | Permalink Comment Comment The 100 Greatest Jazz Albums of All TimeOur editors put their stamp of approval on the 100 best-ever albums from the ever-changing world of jazz. Prefer CDs? Find the list on shiny disc here. The 100 Greatest Jazz Albums of All Time 1. The Shape Of Jazz To Come (US Re... by Ornette Coleman $4.99 2. A Love Supreme by John Coltrane $9.49 3. Bird And Diz by Dizzy Gillespie $9.49 4. Kind Of Blue by Miles Davis $9.99 5. Ella and Louis by Ella Fitzgerald $9.49 6. Getz/Gilberto by Joao Gilberto $8.99 7. Concert By The Sea by Erroll Garner $8.99 8. The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady by Charles Mingus $9.49 9. Speak No Evil by Wayne Shorter $8.93 10. Straight, No Chaser by Thelonious Monk $9.99 11. The Koln Concert by Keith Jarrett $9.49 12. Moanin' (The Rudy Van Gelder Edi... by Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers $6.99 13. Chet Baker Sings by Chet Baker $7.99 14. Blue Train (Rudy Van Gelder Edit... by John Coltrane $6.99 15. Out To Lunch (The Rudy Van Gelde... by Eric Dolphy $7.99 16. Piano Starts Here by Art Tatum $9.99 17. Go! (The Rudy Van Gelder Edition) by Dexter Gordon $7.94 18. Count Basie At Newport by Count Basie $9.49 19. 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