Insider Secrets to Cheap Flights - Downsized Agent Reveals All Add to Cart Air Travel will always be expensive and people will always want to save big money on flights. Super conversions, almost unlimited article writing potential. Great product for new Internet Marketers. 75% Commission = over $20 US Per Sale.

The airlines fired me for no good reason so I decided to spill my guts by telling everybody...

"How You Can Save A Fortune On All Your Flights By Beating The Airlines At Their Own Game."

After you grab my guide full of insider travel secrets you will be shocked to see how easy it is to get the airfare you need for dirt cheap. The airlines are desperate to keep this confidential information out of your hands...    


Henry Rustkirk Fired Travel Agent

Me, Henry Rustkirk,
Fired Airline Reservations Agent




  long airport line



 Baggage Fees








Henry Rustkirk Fights Back 

 Time to fight back against those greedy airlines.





Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights Instant Download PDF Guidebook 

Instant Download PDF Guidebook








Critical Update    January 2011:  Upon completing this guide, I have received threatening emails, with demands that this information not be brought to light. My site has also been "crawled" by airline computers looking for anything to use against me. Trust me when I say that I will fight to make this controversial information available to you as long as I am legally able to.





family vacation



  Henry, I just wanted to let you know I really liked your guide. Using your search sequence, I was able to save over $80 on the flight I needed to Colorado the same day I bought your guide. I guess that more than paid for my purchase! Thanks for looking out for the little guy. 

-John S. from Greenwood, Indiana                  More


Welcome Weary Traveler,

Henry Rustkirk here:

As you are painfully aware the airlines have been ripping people off for years and they show no signs of letting up. 

I would like to share with you my personal story of dealing with the incredibly corrupt airlines and show you the lack of respect they have for even their own customers. Caution: you may need an air sickness bag if you continue on...


The Shamefully Greedy Airlines...

It doesn't matter if you call on the phone, go online to a discount travel site or use your local travel agent, the whole system is designed to get you to pay more for your flights than is fair.

The airlines work tirelessly to come up with new ways to extract the most money they can from you.  The schemes they employ against their own customers sound like they were designed by organized crime. 

With so many new fees, horrible service and no extras, you are paying way more and getting way less. Now they even want you to pay for your bags to come with you! There is not limit to how far the airlines will reach into your pocket.

I am ashamed to say that I know all of this because I used to be a part of the airline's crooked system...


Downsized Without Warning...

I gave my heart and soul to my company for 9 years. I always did my best to be a good employee and serve the customer as honestly and fairly as I knew how. I was working my way up, and had just went to a leadership conference two months before the bad news came down. 

I went out to lunch on a beautiful spring day and when I got back, my job had literally been shipped overseas. The corporate jerks didn't even give me the common courtesy of a notice that I was going to be terminated.  

The official story was that our center was being closed in order to boost the company's sagging stock price. The real story is so much more devious that it still blows my mind to even think about it today.

My boss and good friend Jeff told me "off the record" the real reason why so many of us had lost our jobs that day. The company had determined that we were too easy on customers, and weren't milking them for all there were worth! 

They decided to move our jobs overseas, where they could better control the systematic ripping off of their customers.  I literally could not believe this was happening.  It was in that instant that I knew what I had to do...


Time To Spill My Guts About The Airline's Dirty Tricks...

That afternoon as soon as I got home I began frantically writing down all the inside information I had learned in my time working for the airlines, while it was still fresh in my mind. I knew it was the right thing to do.

I filled page after page until it was enough for a whole book. When I was done, I compiled every secret into a PDF and called it "Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights". This guide is my revenge against the airlines, for sacking me over my lunch break and ripping off their own customers. It's called karma baby!

The confidential information in my guide is only known by those deep inside of the air travel industry.

You will be stunned when you read my guide and realize just how much you have been over paying for your flights all these years. The airlines go absolutely crazy every time this inside information gets used against them.


The Airlines Fight Back...

When Jeff found out about my guide, he warned me that they would come after me with guns blazing. Boy he was right.

The airlines desperately want keep this information out of your hands. I can't be sure how long I will be able to provide this explosive info, before I am hit with legal sanctions by my former employers. The threats and intimidation have already begun.  Do not miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn how to save a fortune on all your flights. 

I wish I could provide this information to you for free, but if these secrets ever became common knowledge, they would become useless. I guarantee my guide will more than pay for itself with the incredible savings you will realize by using these secret techniques.


Make All Your Travel Dreams A Reality...

If you are planning a vacation, wish you could visit distant family or just want to see the world then my guide is for you. I give you all the essentials on getting cheap flights, tell you the scams to avoid and reveal all of the biggest money saving confidential insider secrets the airlines have threatened me to keep silent about.

Think about all the vacations you could take or the family you could visit, if you knew how to get dirt cheap airfare. When you begin using the insider secrets in this guide, you will be able to make all your travel desires a reality.

Flying whenever and wherever you want will absolutely change your life. Don't hesitate, get my guide today, before the airlines bury this information forever. Details about the secrets in my guide, my 60 day "Double Your Investment" money back guarantee and information on how to purchase can be found below.




Special Note For Non-US Travelers:  The inside information in my guide will be extremely valuable to you and will work with any airline around the world. Very large savings can be realized when purchasing expensive international airfare, not just domestic flights in the United States.




Here are just some of the shocking Insider Secrets that I will reveal to you in my guide.

Remember, this confidential information is guaranteed to save you cash every time you fly.


Sneaky Airline Pricing Tricks...

You will see the disgusting practices of airline pricing and how unadvertised taxes and hidden fees can make a deal that looks good into a stinker. I always hated giving people the bad news that their "special fare" included tons of junk fees and taxes that normal fares did not. 

You will also gain access to top secret information revealing the times of the week you should search for airfares, to be the very first to take advantage of specials and limited time promotional prices. They would freak out at my old company if they ever knew this information could get into the hands of travelers.



  Secret Airfare Search Sequence... 

You will learn my secret Sequence to searching for the lowest fares. This mind blowing system alone could save you thousands of dollars. The airlines live in fear that more people will actually learn this incredibly effective search sequence that allows you to get the best deal possible on your airfare.



Avoid The Airline Website Trap... 

Learn the upsetting revelation about Airline website trickery and how the best deals are sometimes just below the surface. They are usually missed by most website visitors, but not if you know how to find them. 

I will also show you my secret internet browser method you can use to trick airline sites to displaying different deals than you would normally see. This tip would drive the IT department at my old company to madness, if they ever knew people knew about this dirty little secret.



Frequent Flyer Fundamentals... 

You will be exposed to the surprising secrets of the airline's frequent flyer programs, and the website that can help you leverage these cryptic programs. Most frequent flyer programs are built on shaky promises, so you need to learn how to get the most out of your hard earned miles. 

Also, you will learn my explosive method for turning a bad flight experience into a travel payday. Do not ever let a negative incident with an air carrier go uncompensated. I will tell you the ways to get what is rightfully yours.



Top Secret Money-Saving Techniques... 
  • You will learn the truth about airline mistakes, and just how much these hidden gems can save you. The airlines are not going to like me telling you about this one. These mistakes usually end up with someone fired, and some lucky travelers saving boatloads of cash.
  • You will learn the secrets to "Drop Off Flying", and how you can take advantage of airline pricing schemes to save big. This trick drives up the blood pressures of all the airfare planners at the airliners, because you will be beating them at their own game.
  • You will be instructed in the secret method of "Skip It Flying", and how you can actually save more by buying more. This method used to drive my boss nuts, he always said there ought to be a law against this "trick".
  • The secretive method of using multiple carriers for your flights will be exposed to you, and how combining sales can save you piles of dough. The airlines absolutely despise this secret money saving technique. 



The Best Time To Book To Save Big... 

You will be enlightened to the time of the week to absolutely avoid booking airfare, so you do not get gouged by the airlines automatic fare increases. It always blew my mind that the airlines were so despicable as to charge people more just because of the time of week that they booked. 

Also, discover the 12 hour window in which nearly every airline will release the very best fare deals, and how to get them before they are gone. The lucky customers that unknowingly call during this time always get some of the best deals imaginable.



The Truth About Travel Agents... 

Discover the surprising truth about Travel Agents and why buying online is not always better. Your local travel agent (if you even have one) is still a good resource, and I will tell you why they may become your best friend when looking for deals.

You will also be walked through the secret, exact phrasing you should tell your Travel Agent to get them to find even lower fares for you. Not  every  agent  will  automatically  keep  the  lowest  price  in  mind,  even  when  you  ask  them  to, learn the phrasing that will make them do your bidding. 



International Pricing Loopholes...

Learn the dirty little secret about One-Way International travel loopholes, and how you could save a fortune by taking advantage of International pricing loopholes. This amazing trick can literally save you thousands of dollars on international travel. 

Also, learn about the typically unused special pass available for North American travel, and how it can save you big time. A great trick for anyone coming to America on Holiday.



A Warning About Online Travel Sites... 

Discover that not all Travel Discount sites are created equal and what you need to do to avoid being gouged by Third-Party travel booking sites. Just because a site has cheap or discount in its name, does not mean that they really are cheaper, you have to be very careful.



Big Savings For Seniors, Families, Students And More...

  • Learn the secrets to saving loads of money when traveling with children and the tricks the airlines might try to use against you and your family.
  • The little known websites that can help student travelers save tons of cash on flights to home and for fun.
  • The sad truth about the state of senior discounts, and the secret methods for seniors to still save big on air travel. It is very unfortunate that our eldest citizens don't get the respect they deserve from the greedy airlines.
  • Finally learn the truth about clergy fares, and the airline's false hopes. It just disgusts me that the airlines would act like this towards men of religion.
  • Learn the shocking truth about last-minute fares, and what you need to do to avoid being taking advantage of by so called "last minute deals". 


 Plus many more tips, scam alerts and secrets. 


 updated information "Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights" was last updated in January 2011 with the latest inside information.  You will be shocked at the latest ways the airlines and travel sites are trying to overcharge you. Get my guide today, and learn the secrets to Flying Cheap, so you will never be taken advantage of again.



Safe, Secure and Private Payment Processing...

All payments are handled through ClickBank  an industry leader in providing people with a secure method for paying on the internet. I will never have access to your payment information, and your privacy will be protected at all times.



Instant Delivery Means No Waiting To Begin Saving...

After you order my guide, and your payment is processed, you will immediately be able to download and begin reading it. The guide comes in the popular PDF format, which is readable by virtually any computer (as long as it was made this decade). 

You can print the guide out, or read it on your computer, the choice is yours. If you have any trouble downloading or opening the files, just email me, and I will help you through it.



Free Lifetime Updates...

Order today and you will be eligible to receive FREE Lifetime Updates for Your Copy of Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights. Anytime Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights is updated, you will get instant access to the new version. Why settle for anything less than the most up to date information? Especially when it's free!




See What People Are Saying...


  Henry, I just wanted to let you know I really liked your guide. Using your search sequence, I was able to save over $80 on the flight I needed to Colorado the same day I bought your guide. I guess that more than paid for my purchase! Thanks for looking out for the little guy. 

-John S. from Greenwood, Indiana



 Hi, Henry.  I was able to download your info without any problems.  You have some very good info that I can start using at once.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

-George D. from Yucca Valley, California


  I travel incessantly with my work. Employing many of the tricks meant that a recent trip to Australia from Nashville, with 3 Australian city stops - all on American and Qantas - came to only $1265 including tax - which I thought was very good. 

-Mike R. from Palmyra, Tennessee


  I found these reports so complete, they covered every possible scenario; a tremendous valuable tool for any traveler. 

-David Z. from New York City


  Hello, Just a line to say thank you its wonderfull information I have been able to save over £200 on a return flight from England to Malta. 

-Keith D. from Luqa, Malta



Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights

NEW: Get a copy of my guide today and I will throw in these valuable bonus travel guides absolutely free: 

(you will have instant access to all books after your purchase)



Free Bonus #1: $15.00 USD  Value

Insider Secrets To Cheap Car Rentals

Insider Secrets To Cheap Car Rentals

Learn the secret techniques to save a ton of cash every time you rent a car. You will learn all the scams to avoid, and the insider secrets that will help you get the best deal possible on your rental car. 

Learn how to negotiate with the car rental companies and prevent from paying all the junk fees they try to throw at you. This guide is invaluable to anyone who needs to rent a vehicle when they travel.

Free Bonus #2: $15.00 USD  Value

Insider Secrets To Cheap Hotel Reservations

Insider Secrets To Cheap Hotel Reservations 

This guide will help you save money when ever and where ever you stay in a hotel room. The insider secrets will help you get the best deal possible on hotel stays, and prevent getting ripped off when you stay away from home. 

Learn how to get perks and avoid hidden fees during your stay. This guide could help you save a lot of money on one of the most expensive parts of your trip. 

Free Bonus #3: $10.00 USD  Value

Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights: Guide To Airport Security

 Guide To Airport Security 


This guide can help you learn everything you might need to know about the security aspects of air travel. Learn what to pack, and what to leave at home. Learn about the no-fly list and security procedures. This information can help you have a safe and smooth flight.

Insider Secrets to Cheap Flights - Downsized Agent Reveals All

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Air Travel will always be expensive and people will always want to save big money on flights. Super conversions, almost unlimited article writing potential. Great product for new Internet Marketers. 75% Commission = over $20 US Per Sale.

Free Bonus #4: $10.00 USD  Value

Lifetime Updates To Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights and All Bonus Guides




Anytime Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights is updated, you will get instant access to the new version. Why settle for anything less than the most up to date information?


You get 4 money saving travel guides for the price of 1 when you take advantage of my new offer today.

Add to Cart 

Limited Time Combo Price

All 4 guides for only $29.95 USD


I have no idea how much longer I will be able to keep my guide on the net, so I have decided to offer this incredible pack of money saving travel information on a trial basis. Together we can teach the greedy airlines a lesson. Get your copy before they shut me down for good.

Add to Cart

Ex-Disney Employee Reveals Insider Secrets. Disney World Vacation And Savings Travel Guide. I’ve written a guide to the best tips, tricks and savings available for a Disney Vacation. Strategies that can literally save you hundreds – if not thousands of dollars.--You Don't Have To Be Rich To Have An Extravagant Disney World Vacation-- Disney World Vacation And Savings Travel Guide. Ex-Disney Employee Reveals Insider Secrets.

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It's that simple! Order now

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Beth Haworth
Former Disney Cast Member
Best Selling Travel Writer

n a late Spring afternoon, two families departed for Disney World. They were very much alike, these two families.

Both had two children, both had middle class incomes, and both lived in the same neighborhood.

Both families took the same flight to Disney World. Both stayed at the same luxury 5-Star Disney World resort.

Both families attended the same shows and events, and ate at the same restaurants.

Both families spent the same amount of time at Disney World, and returned home on the same flight.

But there was a difference….

One family spent $5,500 for their Disney World vacation. The other spent $2,700.

What made the difference?

Hi – I’m Beth Haworth. If you're like me, you probably insist on getting the most you possibly can for your money.

I’ve written a guide to the best tips, tricks and savings available for a Disney Vacation. Strategies that can literally save you hundreds – if not thousands of dollars.

You see – I’m not only a best selling travel author – I was also a Disney Cast Member. And let me tell you – those were some of the best times of my life. I learned a lot – but I also kept my eyes open.


Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide e-Book Please note that this is an e-Book that is updated regularly. All customers receive lifetime access to e-Book updates, even if it's months or years after your initial purchase. You will always have the very latest Disney savings strategies at your fingertips. What's an e-Book?


I watched hundreds of families needlessly throwing their money away because they didn't know any better way. If only they had known what I know!

And that’s how my “Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide” e-Book was born.

It’s everything I've learned and discovered in making a Disney Vacation an affordable and magical experience.

You can have a Disney World vacation every bit as enjoyable and rewarding as the family who spends 2, 3, or even 4 times as much money!

Let me give you an example:

Disney 5-Star Resort: Retail cost $3,110 for 10 days
My cost: $1,130

That's a savings of $1,980 – for less than one hour of my time! And that's not an off-season deal either! I'm talking right in the middle of peak Disney travel times in 2010! Follow the 9 easy steps in my Disney Savings Guide, and you can do it too.

Why not pay for your trip in advance, rather than making credit card payments for months afterwards?

Every tip, every suggestion, every strategy you’ll find in my book is for real. I've done it all first hand. Both as an actual Disney Cast Member – and now as a Mom with three kids going on Disney vacations. 

Let me tell you exactly how “The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide” is going to save you a bundle of cash.

Or – as Mickey might say: “On With The Show!

It's that simple! Order now


Greenville, SC News Interview.
Click play below to start the newscast now (5 minutes)
(viewing requires Flash 8)



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disney world vacation
Exclusive Ticket Savings
Available to readers of my Guide only, use my
exclusive ticket discount code to obtain the lowest cost online for 5, 7 and 10 day park hopper tickets. Your exclusive code and full instructions for using it are provided in the Guide.
The one thing you must do TODAY that will net you hundreds of extra dollars in your vacation account to help purchase Disney World tickets, trinkets, and meals at Disney. This one money-saving tip alone may make enough money to pay for all your meals in the park for the entire week.

disney worldHow To Save Up To $200 (And More) – Just On Disney Ticket Costs Alone! I’ll clue you in on all the different ticket types and the best buys – with tips that’ll literally save you hundreds of dollars.

disney worldBest Bargains On and Off Line – You’re going to find the best places and sites to buy your advance tickets. (You’ll probably be surprised at the answers!)

disney worldExclusive discounts on 5, 7 and 10 day park hopper tickets! Available only to readers of my Guide.

disney worldTicket Upgrades – The ins and outs of exchanging or upgrading your Disney tickets. When does it make sense – and when will it actually cost you money? Everything you’ll need to know is right here.

disney worldE-bay Bargains – Think those “discounted” Disney Pass Ticket Prices are a great deal? Many times they’re not the bargain you think! I’ll tell you exactly what you have to know - before you make that bid!



I don’t have to tell you – it sometimes seems finding great airlines prices is more of a lottery than a science. Well … I can’t affect what the airlines charge – but I can fill you in on what to look for! My Guide includes my insider's tips for getting to Disney World, staying at Disney World, dining at Disney World, and more.

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Hoop-Dee-Doo Dinner Show
Be sure not to miss this one. I'll give you the low down on the Hoop-Dee-Doo dinner show at Pioneer Hall, including how to score the best seats in the house!

disney worldWhen Exactly Are The High And Low Price Seasons When Visiting Orlando and Disney World?

disney worldHow To Shop Around For The Best Buys. Find out which websites are the easiest to use when looking at alternate vacation dates.

disney worldWhat Airlines Are The Most Stable – and which aren’t. Here’s something you probably aren’t aware of: Some of your best bets aren’t listed in the travel websites schedules. I’ll tell you what they are.

disney worldDid you know Disney offers a free “Magical Express” shuttle and baggage service? No more waiting for your bags at the airport! Your luggage is delivered directly to your hotel. Find out precisely how it works.

disney worldOff-site Lodging: Each option is fully explained – with the benefits (and possible drawbacks) you can expect.

disney worldDiscover which offsite hotels offer the best value – and which to steer clear of. In fact - “The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide” has 12 Shortcuts To Success – ensuring when you check in – the only surprise you’ll find is how smoothly everything’s going!

disney world Dining Out – Dining can be expensive at the major resorts. We’ll show you how to slash your food expenses – without sacrificing the fun of eating out!

disney worldRestaurant Reservations – Planning on a character dining experience? Beware. Many people don't get the ones they want. Follow my tips and get your seats!

disney worldExpedition Everest! Find out what's the hottest rides – and most talked about shows this season – and how to score the best seats in the house.



EPCOT Segway Tour
This is me on the Segway tour of EPCOT. How many people see the park like this? My guide reveals the best Segway tour, and how to have the park virtually to yourself! This is one experience you'll never forget.
I admit it – I love everything Disney. Especially Disney World.


There’s so much to see and do and experience – you could spend a month at each park and still not get to it all!

Here’s how “The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide” helps you sort it all out.

disney worldWhat to Do On a Rainy Day – Yes, it rains in sunny Florida as well! Solve that problem with fun and adventurous tips I’ve used many times.

disney worldThe One Park You Should Visit Last! (Especially with young children.) This one will definitely surprise you!

disney worldHungry? Find out what’s OK to bring inside the Parks with you – and what you should leave at the hotel.

disney worldHow To Beat Those Long Lines – Did you know it makes a difference if you stand in the Right or Left line? It does – find out which one typically moves the fastest.

disney worldHidden Entrances – There are several “shortcuts” to theme parks and attractions - bypassing most of the crowds. I’ll reveal where they are.



World Of Disney Store
Downtown Disney is an adventure itself. Find everything Disney you ever imagined, plus good food and more fun.

If “The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide” stopped here – it would still be a “must have” manual for anyone planning their Orlando vacation. But that’s not all – not by a long shot!

Did you know there’s a host of “Off Park attractions almost as exciting as the Disney Theme Parks themselves?

disney worldShopping For Souvenirs? Save big! Shop downtown and you’ll pay anywhere from 10 - 75% less than the theme park prices. Now that’s saving!

disney worldOnce Upon A Toy – Remember those classic games you played as a child? Ever wish you didn’t throw them out? Well – find them again at this wonderful shop. It this doesn’t bring back those great memories – nothing will!

disney worldRestaurants – It’s a lot less expensive eating downtown – and the food is simply delicious. I'll give you my best bets for a great meal and a great time.

disney worldDisney Quest – If I had to recommend just one Downtown attraction – this would be it! A five story, high tech state of the art interactive playground for young and old alike. There’s over 250 attractions – and “The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide” will give you my picks for “best of the best” in this amazing pavilion.


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I've Been Kissed By A Princess!
Considering a Character Breakfast? Learn which character meals fill up fast and when and how to get your reservation in.

Believe me when I say there’s even more exciting information to be found in my book. From the Disney Wide World of Sports Complex to the Disney Wilderness Preserve – everything is covered. “The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide” is the most comprehensive book you can find about Disney savings and planning strategies.

From my exclusive tips to Disney's little known Resort Discounts, you'd have to spend virtually weeks on your own to find all the information you’ll find here – right at your fingertips.

Read what people are saying! Below are comments from people who have recently purchased my Disney Savings Guide:

"I Have Already Saved Myself The Cost Of Your Book Several Times Over."
—Jennifer, Wisconsin

I found your book to be extremely helpful! Also, a great value for the price. I especially liked the quick response to my order. I was excited to receive my purchase. I have already saved myself the cost of your book several times over. Thank you for the broad base of information. It clearly covered all my questions and many I had not yet thought of. I will continue to count my savings until our May trip, thanks to you! It's -10 in Wisconsin today — I can't wait to go!

"My Funds Are Limited So I Gave Your Info A Try And Was Quite Impressed."
—Wayne, Oregon

Was very impressed with all the info received. Going to see Mickey for the first time in 1 1/2 days, am 52 years old and wheelchair bound. My funds are limited so I gave your info a try and was quite impressed. Thank you so much! Wishing you all the best.

"Just Wanted To Let You Know How Very Much I've Enjoyed Reading The Book I Got From You."
—Kelsey, Oklahoma

Beth, just wanted to let you know how very much I've enjoyed reading the book I got from you. What marvelous ideas I've picked up from it! I had no clue about the vacation club regarding the villas and I had found a price through Disney for the OKW resort that is so much pricier than what I can get through the points system. Thanks for writing this book!

"We're Looking Forward To A Great Disney World Vacation."
—Michelle, Rhode Island

Wow! We loved your book! I've been giving a copy to all of my friends (because you said I could)! We're looking forward to a great Disney World vacation. Thanks to you!

"They Couldn't Believe You Can Save So Much Money By Just Knowing What To Do!"
—Rae, Texas

Thanks so much, Beth! I went to dinner last night with two girlfriends and told them all about you and your book! They couldn't believe some of the info I gave them and that you can save so much money by just knowing what to do! I also e-mailed a friend in Pennsylvania who has twin grandkids, age 2. Sometime she will go to Disney World with them and I wanted her to know about your book! Gosh, girl, you'll become famous all over this country!!

Happy Day!

"You Definitely Showed Me Some New Tricks!"
Lee, Ohio

Hi Beth, just bought the DW Savings Guide, and I've been reading it non-stop for the past couple of hours! I'm an AP holder and go to Disney World several times per year, so I know my way around Disney. You definitely showed me some new tricks!

"I Guess When You Say Your Guide Is Always Updated You Weren't Kidding!"
Rachael and Mark, Maryland

I purchased your Disney Guide last year and just
downloaded it again to see if you changed anything.
Wow was I ever impressed! I couldn't believe how
many things changed in just a year. I guess when
you say your Guide is always updated you weren't kidding! We're going back to Disney World in August and look forward to using your tips again! Thanks.

"Normally I Would Not Spend $38 To Eat Per Person For 3 People, But When It's Free, What The Heck!"
—Nancy, Michigan

Thanks a million .... I took advantage of the free dining deal for 10 days for August. Normally I would not spend $38 to eat per person for 3 people, but when it's free, what the heck! Also a hint for your readers regarding Walker ECV rentals: If they sign up for their email newsletter they can get repeat user discounts – we got one for a free day!

"We Actually Felt Like We Were Professional Disney Goers And We'd Been Doing It All Our Lives."
—The Hanson Family, Stoney Creek, ON

Just writing to let you know we went to Disney and had a wonderful time. Thanks to your book, we were able to enjoy a stress free holiday. There were many tips and pointers I NEVER would have thought being the 'photopass'...I normally would just shy away from that stuff, thinking it would cost me $$$...but after reading your book, I made a point of getting our picture taken at EVERY opportunity.

We actually felt like we were professional Disney goers and we'd been doing it all our stress...pre-planned....wonderful.....all because of your book. Thanks again!

"Your Book Is Chock Full Of Real Savings And Even More Important, Right Up To Date Including Current Discounts And Codes On Disney Room Offerings. So Impressed Am I!"
—Dan, Tennessee

So, I'm over on the community forums and someone creates a post asking if anyone has heard of the book "The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide." Of course, there are so many savings books and things on the Internet that we are skeptical. But we are also curious. After many posts from many people back and forth, I take the plunge and buy the book with a digital download.

I am totally surprised. Your book is chock full of real savings and even more important, right up to date including current discounts and codes on Disney room offerings. So impressed am I!

disney world What a wealth of information! The BEST! Thanks, for all your hard work!
disney world Wow! Great guide! And I thought I knew a lot of Disney tips and tricks! THANKS!
disney world Love the guide - thanks for the insider and valuable information!
disney world Great Book! It's better for saving $ than the Unofficial Guide - good parent tips too.
disney world Went on our trip to WDW, saved a lot of money and time with your book! Thanks!
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P.S. After reading about everything “The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide” has to offer – you still might wonder: Can it really be that good? Look what others had to say! Every one of the testimonials in the yellow boxes above was unsolicited!

P.P.S. My Disney Savings Guide is updated on a constant basis and comes with lifetime access rights. This means if you're planning your trip well in advance you can open the Guide again before your departure and get up to speed on any new Disney World information. Even if it's months or years after your initial purchase, you can always have the latest and greatest Disney World savings strategies at your fingertips at no additional cost.

P.P.P.S. I have spent years poking into the right places, talking to the right people, working for Disney and vacationing at Disney World to make this book possible. I absolutely assure you that you will have a far more enjoyable Disney World vacation, and save many, many times the cost of my Guide before you even leave your house (and much more while on your trip)! If that's not enough to convince you I don't know what possibly will. Order today.


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